Page 59 of Milo

It's not enough.

There's no point. I don't fear evil for it has conquered me. It has tainted every fiber of my being. It has seeped into my skin, spread through my body like a cancer.

Malignant. Malevolent. Malicious.

I don't fear evil anymore.

Because I am evil.

I'm so sorry, Nana. I'm so fucking sorry. I wanted to see you. I wanted to give you a hug. I wanted to dance through the heavens hand in hand, to see Grandpa, to see Mom, Dad.

But I can't anymore. It's not possible. I'll never see you again. You must be so disappointed in me, Nana. You have every right to be.

I was weak. I was scared. I was wrong.

A life is a life. You taught me that. I played God. I played God, Nana.

And now my punishment is to play with the devil for all of eternity.

The car door opens and I'm in Milo's arms again, the metallic odor from his wound permeating the air around me, coating my tongue, filling my nostrils.

"Fucking hell, Milo!"


"Oh my God, she's freezing.” Julia caresses my cheek with the back of her hand. "Paolo, take Kiara to her room."

"No!” Milo’s grip tightens around my body. His nails dig into my shoulders, my thighs. "I will take her."

"You're fucking bleeding, you idiot!" Julia snaps. "You need stitches. Dr. Romero is in the kitchen waiting for you. Paolo will take her."

"Stitches can wait.” Milo cradles my limp body as he walks up the stairs, faint grunts of pain escaping the back of his throat. "Kiara, please say something." He pushes a strand of hair out of my face, his thumb grazing my temple. "Please."

"Put her down," Julia says. "Now go, Milo. You're getting blood on my fucking carpets."

I fist the silk lavender fabric of the duvet as I perch on the edge of the bed and stare at the wall, my head light, fuzzy, disoriented.

"Will she be alright?" Milo paces back and forth in front of me, running a hand through his hair. "She hasn't said anything since?—"

"She's in fucking shock, you idiot. Paolo—" She looks at her husband. "Take him downstairs. Now!"


"Baby brother," Julia says, her tone gentle. "I will stay with Kiara, please go and see the doctor. You're pale, you've lost a lot of blood. Don't be foolish. Please, Emilio. Go."

Milo kneels in front of me, concern filling his dark eyes as he curls his fingers under my chin. "Tesoro," he whispers. My eyelids flutter closed as he brings his soft lips to my forehead. "I will be back."

And he leaves.

"Cara…” Julia rubs my hands between her palms. "We need to warm you up. I will draw you a bath, okay?" She pauses, scanning my face. "Can you nod if you hear me?" I move my head. Barely. "Good, cara, good. I'll be right back."

Julia opens the door to the ensuite bathroom and turns on the bathtub faucet before returning.

She removes my shoes, one by one, tossing them off to the side. She stands up and removes the stole off my shoulders. Scarlet blotches of blood stain the white fur, tainting the material, ruining it. It won't come out. It's permanent.

"Can you undress yourself?"

"Mhmm," I hum as she lifts me to my feet. "Zipper."