He blinks. "Yes, I am sure the tiny orange seed needed a Big Mac. It is amazing how they are able to pack in so many nutrients between two buns."
"I would sleep with one eye open if I were you," I warn him. "It would be a shame for my child to be fatherless so early in life."
"Again, I am joking." He lets out a laugh, wrapping me in a hug. "You are just so cute when you are angry, I cannot help myself."
"If you wish to see your name on one of these crypts, please go ahead and continue joking. I'll show you just how cute I can be."
"God, I love it when you threaten me.” He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. "It is such a turn on." He drags his finger down the slope of my neck. "I could fuck you right now."
I blink. "If you could refrain from saying shit like that in front of my parents, that would be great. They're right there!"
"Come on, baby," Milo coos, brushing his nose against mine. "I am just showing my love."
"Well keep your love in your pants until we get home," I say, pushing past him as I walk out of the mausoleum. "So disrespectful."
"Kiara, wait!" Milo catches up to me, his laughter filling the air. "I was obviously kidding. Slow down. Please!"
"Fine." I cross my arms, stopping in the middle of the cemetery. "God, you're in a good mood today, aren't you?"
"Of course, I am in a good mood," he says, lacing his fingers through my hair. "I have a beautiful woman to sleep beside every night, a child on the way, a growing empire. What else does a man need to be happy?" He cocks his head. "Forgive me, baby. I will be gentler with you."
"It's fine.” I lean into his touch, unable to stay mad at him. "Just tone it down like twenty percent."
"For you, my love, twenty-five," he smirks. "I like to exceed expectations."
"How very studious of you.” I raise myself on my tippy toes and give him a kiss. "Okay, it's getting cold, we should leave." I check my phone, letting out a sigh. "Your sister just asked me about my thoughts on ice sculptures." I look up. "Any strong opinions?"
"On ice?" Milo asks. "No, I cannot say I do."
"Me neither," I hum typing out a quick text. "God, this wedding is going to be insane. Ice sculptures? Is that even necessary?"
"You can always tell Julia you would prefer something simpler," Milo suggests, taking my hand as we stroll back to the parking lot.
"Hah, yeah sure," I snort, pocketing my cell phone. "Have you met your sister? She bought Champagne infused with 24-Carat gold flakes, Milo. People will literally be drinking gold. I don't think simple is her style."
"It is our wedding, tesoro, not hers," Milo notes with a shrug. "If you don't like something, tell her."
"No, it's fine. I don't have the energy to argue with her anyway. Plus, if she gets mad at me and quits then I'd have to decide on all of these things myself."
"You will still have Luisa," Milo says as we exit through the gates of the cemetery. He pauses. "Did she tell you if she is bringing Claudia?"
I blink. "What?"
Milo cocks his head. "Claudia? The woman she is dating.”
"You know? She told you?"
"No, she didn't tell me. I heard her," Milo explains. "Luisa has many skills but speaking quietly on the phone is not one of them. I've known for several months now."
"Oh," I hum, biting my lip. "Should I tell her to bring Claudia then? I don't think she was going to because well—you know."
"I personally do not care." Milo shrugs nonchalantly. "It is up to Luisa; it is her life."
"Okay, I'll let her know?—"
"Milo!" We whip our heads toward the hoarse voice. Marchello strides toward us, looking around. "May I have a word with both of you?" He nods at me, keeping my gaze. "Signora, I hear congratulations are in order."
"Thank you," I say warily. "How's your shoulder doing?"