Chapter 28
The Curse of Cures
Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.
Red? Black? White? Lace? Satin? Charmeuse? Chiffon?
God, this is frustrating. I hate choices.
"Jules?" I call out, whipping my head around the luxury boutique. "Julia?"
"Yes, cara?!" She waltzes toward me, several shopping bags in hand. "What is it?"
I hold up two lingerie sets. The first features a sheer black Chantilly lace bra with satin bow accents, a double strapped thong, and a matching high-waisted garter belt. The second, a Bordeaux red stretch satin bra with a lace finish, a rouleaux strapped thong, and finely stitched gold clasped suspenders.
"Which is sexier?"
Julia blinks, smiling awkwardly at the sales associate behind the counter. "Kiara, I adore you, truly, I do. But I am Italian, not Targaryen. Milo is my brother; I do not wish to assist you in seducing him."
An oversight.
"Right." I wince, slowly placing the sets on the counter. "I'll take both. Grazie."
"Good choice." Julia lets out a soft laugh, spraying her wrist with sample perfume. "Always buy both, cara. Why decide when you can have everything?"
I lean against the counter as the associate scans the items. "If I follow that mindset, I'll need a bigger closet.”
Julia shrugs. "So?"
I roll my eyes, turning my attention back to Claudia who is over the moon with me right now.
"Visa, please," I say, hesitantly handing her my credit card.
I know money is not an issue but nine hundred euros? Ouch.
"These are beautiful pieces," Claudia coos with excitement as she charges me an obscene amount of money for tiny scraps of fabric. "You have a very lucky man at home. You will bring him to his knees."
"That's the plan," I whisper, hoping the said man's older sister doesn't hear me. I thank Claudia and grab the handles of the matte black shopping bag as I cast Julia a small smile. "Okay, let's go."
"Come back again anytime!" Claudia exclaims. "Anytime!"
"Oh, I just love shopping! It makes me feel like royalty," Julia laughs, looping her arm through mine as we exit the store. Gio and Matteo follow closely behind as we stroll back to the SUV. "Do you like what you bought?"
"Mhmm," I hum, cringing. "Sorry about asking for your opinion. I wasn't thinking?—"
"Forget about it, cara." Julia immediately waves me off. "It's not a big deal, I was half-joking anyway. I'm sure my brother would love you in anything. I haven't seen him this happy since—" She freezes, faking a cough. "In a long time."
A tiny pang of jealousy gripping my gut. "Since Vittoria?"
He was happy with her. That shouldn't bother me. It's disgusting that it bothers me. She's dead. I'm jealous of a dead woman? That's horrible.
I'm horrible.
Julia lifts a brow. "He told you about her?"
I nod, incredibly disappointed in myself. "Yeah, when we were in Milan. He told me everything."
"Oh," she hums as we cross the street. "That's a good sign, Kiara, that he's finally talking about it. I was starting to worry about him." She sucks in a sharp breath. "Milo, he is a private man. The fact that he's sharing with you is incredible. I'm proud of him."