He feigns a frown. "Nonsense, I insist.”
I scoff, cocking my head to the side. "Maybe I wasn't clear. I'm going to buy my own drink with my own money so put that away." I smile. "Plus, seeing as you lost almost two hundred thousand euros tonight, perhaps I should be buying you a drink. Another beer?"
His beady blue eyes harden, his posture stiffening. "When a man offers to buy a woman a drink, Kiara, she should graciously accept it."
I blink, expelling an incredulous laugh. "Is that so? Well, when a woman is clearly turning down a man, he should accept it." I pause, shooting him a blatant glare. "Graciously."
Andre steps toward me, his features cold and deadly as he grabs my arm. "Listen to me you little whore.” His fingers coil around my wrist like a boa constrictor. Pain shoots up my arm and my heart races. Shit. "If only you knew who I was, you wouldn't be running your?—"
"Say that again."
Like a fallen angel, Milo appears out of the shadows, slamming Andre into the side of the wooden bar, his menacingly frigid gaze burrowing into Andre's pathetic little eyes. Milo bends his right arm ninety-degrees, the recessed lighting on the ceiling reflecting off the silver blade pressed into Andre's stomach. "What did you call her?"
"Oh my God!" I gasp. "Milo stop! What're you doing?"
He ignores me, leaning closer to Andre who's grinding his teeth. "If you ever look at Kiara again, I will cut out your kidney, understand?"
"Milo! Stop!" I plead as he pushes the tip of the switchblade further into Andre's side. His dress shirt dips from the force, blood seeping into his white button-up. "Milo!"
Nothing. No acknowledgment of my presence. Fuck this. He can do whatever the fuck he wants.
I whip my body around and march toward the emergency exit at the back of the lounge. My blood thrums with irritation as I swing open the doors that lead to the loading bay.
That's his solution for everything? Violence? Is there no in-between? Yes, Andre deserved to be put in his place but a knife?! Is he crazy?
"Kiara!" Milo's voice calls out from behind me a few seconds later. I pick up my pace, storming through the cars parked in the dimly lit lot. I need fresh air, distance from the insanity. "Where are you going?"
"Home!" I pick up the bottom of my dress that's trailing on the dirty ground as I look around. How the fuck do I get out of here?!
"Kiara, stop!" Milo demands, catching up with me. He grabs my forearm, and spins me around, his chest heaving from adrenaline. "Why are you so upset?"
My jaw drops. "Are you seriously asking me that question?"
"He called you a whore.” His jaw tightens. "That is unacceptable."
I flap my arms. "So, your solution to him acting like a little boy and calling me a mean name is to harvest his fucking organs?! Don't you think that's a little excessive?"
"Andre disrespected you," he snaps, running a hand through his hair. "If he disrespects you then he disrespects me."
"So that was for your benefit then?" Frustration courses through my body. "Nothing to do with me?"
"That's not what—" The sharp edge of his stubbled jaw twitches. "Just come back inside, Kiara."
"No!" I yank my arm out of his hand. "I'm leaving! It's late, I'm tired, and you clearly don't need me anymore. I'm going back to Julia's."
"Kiara!" Milo follows me further into the parking lot, the streetlights fading away. "You cannot walk around by yourself. It's late."
"I have an excellent sense of direction.” I let out an annoyed sigh. "I just need to find the exit first then?—"
"Emilio!" A deep voice calls from several yards away and my head snaps toward the emerging silhouette.
Oh, for fuck's sake!
"Leave.” Milo meets Andre's icy glare. "Now."
"Fuck you." Andre's nose wrinkles, his top lip curling up into a scowl as disgust flashes in his eyes.
Oh, shit.