Page 165 of Milo

"Yes," I whimper as someone knocks on the door. "Oh my God, harder!"

"Kiara?" Julia shouts. "Hello?"

He slaps his hand over my mouth. "Shh, baby, we wouldn't want to get caught now, would we?" My walls clench around him. "Oh fuck, come on baby. Come for me." He lowers his voice, applying just the right amount of pressure on my clit to send me over the goddamn edge. With one final thrust, he explodes inside me. "Fuck!"

"Oh God," I pant, catching my breath, my vision blurry. "Holy shit."

Another knock. "Kiara? Is everything alright?"

"Yes!" I croak, attempting to float back down to earth. I clear my throat. "One minute!" I cringe, looking at my reflection in the mirror. "Shit, Milo, help me put the fucking dress on."

"Here—" Milo smirks, handing me a tissue to clean myself off with. "You look so sexy right now, Kiara. Perhaps one more time?"

"Shut up!" I smack his shoulder, scrambling to get the gown on as he tucks in his shirt and readjusts his bow tie. "Help me!"

"Kiara?!" Julia calls out. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Milo," I whine, attempting to fix the smudged mascara under my eyes as Milo zips up my dress. I spin around, taking a deep breath. "How do I look? Normal? Good?"

"You look amazing, tesoro," Milo chuckles, reaching for the tiara on the vanity and placing it on top of my head. "Like a queen." He arches down, giving me a lingering kiss. "I love you, baby. I will see you at the altar."

Oh, God.

"I love you too," I whimper, fixing my hair as Milo heads to the door. He tosses me a wink before twisting the handle.

"Julia," he states in a cool tone, nodding at his sister. "She is all yours." He pauses, a grin on his face. "For now."

"What are you—" Julia's eyes widen as her gaze darts between the two of us. "Are you fucking kidding me? Three hours! You could not have waited three fucking hours? Dio mio—" She slaps Milo's shoulder. "Go downstairs! You are late!" She rushes inside the room, shaking her head in disapproval. "Oh, for fuck's sakes, cara! You look like you were swept up in a fucking tornado!"

"It's not that bad!" I insist as Julia grabs a brush off the vanity table. She scolds me under her breath while touching up my make-up. "Better?"

"Lucky for you, I am extremely talented," Julia huffs, examining her handy work. She tucks back a strand of my curled hair. "Alright, Kiara. Now you are ready." She tilts her head. "You are ready, no?"

"Yes," I say, taking a comforting breath as I glance at myself in the mirror. "I'm ready."

"Fantastic!" Julia exclaims, grabbing my hand as she leads me out of the suite, toward the gardens. "Andiamo!"

When we get downstairs, Luisa hands me my bouquet, a small frown on her face. "You look beautiful, Kiara."

"What's wrong?" I ask, tilting my head as classical music starts playing. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she sighs. “My father hasn't called yet, that is all." She shakes her head. "Don't worry about it, Kiara. Enjoy this moment, yes? You will only get one."

"It is time," Julia says, nodding at the French doors. "Remember to breathe, Kiara. Ignore everyone else, just focus on Milo."

"I'm ready," I whisper as two attendants open the doors.

Luisa and Julia walk slowly ahead of me down the navy-blue carpet. I close my eyes, feeling the presence of my family. They're here. With me. Watching. Smiling. Loving. I nod, stepping through the threshold.

I'm ready.

The garden is decorated with dozens of chandeliers hung from exposed golden beams, extravagant arrangements of pastel florals, and strands of crystals strung over the hundreds of seated guests.

Canon in D Major fills the air as I stride through the white rose petals, distant whispers and murmurs from the attendees barely registering in my head as I see Milo standing at the altar, his eyes on me, only me.

It's just us.

No one else.