Page 128 of Company Ink

Lucy grins, pouring her tea into an empty cup for Ness. "Can't wait for all the New Yorker men?" She wiggles her brows. "I hear they're one of a kind."

I expel a cynical laugh. "Men? No. I've decided that I'm doing a man-detox for the entire year!"

The idea came to me while Monique and I were packing up our condo. Mon mentioned that she's doing a tea-tox for two weeks before heading off on her honeymoon to cleanse her system. And that's exactly what I need. A cleanse.

Vanessa almost chokes on her tea. "Ayear?" she asks, wiping her chin. "No men?"

"Yes! No men, no dating, nosex, nothing!" I state boldly. "For the next twelve months, I'm going to only focus on myself and spending time with you." I point to Ness. "I need a mental break from boys."

Lucy blinks. "Isn't a year a little ambitious, honey? I'syou."

My mouth hangs open. "See! That's exactly what I mean, I don't think I've been single for more than five months since I was fourteen. That's like ten years of failed relationships! Clearly, I need to figure some shit out."

"Cassie, you're young. Relationships are bound to fail," Lucy says, tilting her head. "You don't need to swear off men altogether."

I shake my head. "You don't think I can do it!"

Vanessa and Lucy exchange a skeptical look. "I think you can," my cousin murmurs. "Maybe."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, you guys!" I exclaim, grunting. "Honestly, if I'm going to be in school, I won't even have time to date. I wanna kick this program's ass and then,maybe, I can date again."

Lucy sighs. "I mean, if this is what you really want, then okay, go for it."

"It is, really! I think it's time for me to get my priorities straight. And it's not like I'll be alone or lonely, Ness and I have an entire city to explore together, right Ness?"

Ness nods, smiling. "And museums."

"And museums!" I add with a burst of energy. "So, we'll be fine! Great even!"

Lucy purses her lips. "Okay..." she sings. "I'll believe it when I see it."

For the next fifteen minutes, we chat about where we'll be staying in New York. The apartment I rented is this tiny little thing I found in Chelsea, a bit expensive, but I've decided to rent out my parents' house so we can afford it. Lucy was adamant that she should chip in for rent on behalf of Ness, but I refused.

"Okay, my loves," Lucy says, standing up. "I guess it's time for me to set you free."

Ness gives her mom a hug and I follow suit. "Love you, Mom," Vanessa says.

"We'll call you when we land, okay?" I give Luce a quick peck on the cheek.

Lucy bites her lip, her eyes welling up. "Have fun, okay? And please be safe! New York is a lot bigger and scarier than Seattle."

"I've seen The Sopranos, Luce. I know how to act intimidating." I toss her a wink.

Lucy closes her eyes. "Vanessa, you're in charge of Cassie. You're older, wiser, please make sure she doesn't accidentally get recruited into the mafia."

Ness giggles. "I'll try."

"Well, go on then," Lucy sighs. "Love you guys."

"We'll be fine, Luce," I say. "I promi—"

"Cassie!" A voice calls out from down the terminal. "Cassie, wait!" I crane my neck, my eyes flickering towards the man shouting my name.

What the fuck ishedoing here?


goodbyes and hellos