"Here!" Monique hands me her glass of champagne. "You'll need it."
I smile mockingly at my friend. "Gee, thanks, this will totally makeeverythingbetter."
Monique kisses me on the cheek. "Good luck! Gotta go! Matt and I need to make the rounds."
I roll my eyes, taking a sip of the bubbly as I watch her run away with Matt. I turn my head around to where Blake's standing.
"So... Nate, eh?" I ask, walking up to him. "What's up with that?"
Blake sighs, his eyes flickering around the room. "Went by Nate in high school, Blake in college," he says matter-of-factly.
"That means you've known Matt just as long as I've known Monique," I muse, ignoring his cold demeanor. "Oh! Did you know, statistically, if your friendship lasts over seven years, it's bound to last a lifetime?"
I cross my arms.Seriously?"Am I bothering you?" I ask. "I could leave if that's what you want. I just thought we could talk... like grown-ups."
Blake's eyes dart down to my face, icy and flat. "Why don't you go and talk to your boyfriend. Where is he anyway?"
Does he still think I'm with Adrian? Hemustknow he's going back to Spain. "I don'thavea boyfriend...anymore."
Blake hums apathetically. "Is that so? How unfortunate. I was rooting for the two of you."
My jaw clenches. "I get that you're upset with me, Blake, but that doesn't give you the right to act like a tool when I'mclearlytrying to make amends."
Blake takes a deep breath, shaking his head. "You're right. That was quite uncouth of me, I apologize. I guess I'm still a little—" He pauses. "Doesn't matter. I'm sorry, Cassandra."
I bite my lip, nodding. "Thank you," I mutter.
"Are you uh—" Blake sighs. "Are you okay? After...you know."
"I wasn't," I admit, careful not to say Adrian's name. "But it's getting better."
"Yeah?" Blake asks, gesturing for me to sit down, his expression hesitant. "That's good, glad to hear."
The air around us is uncomfortable, uneasy, but what did I expect? Warmth? Laughter? A sense of familiarity? I hurt him. He's closed off, guarded. And I did that to him.
"I'm uh—" I swallow, tilting my head. "I'm leaving for New York on Tuesday."
Blake raises an eyebrow. "OnTuesday? Really?"
"Yeah, Tuesday at two. Ness got into an experimental TBI treatment program so I'm taking her."
Blake's expression, for the first time during this conversation, softens. "That's amazing news, Cassandra. What clinic?"
"It's called New Vision Medical? Have you heard of it?" I ask, leaning back into the chair.
"I have," Blake answers, pouring us both a fresh glass of wine. "They have an excellent reputation and world-renowned doctors; Ness will be in good hands."
"Really?" I sigh with relief.
"Yes, I've looked into various clinics for my father's rehabilitation. New Vision was by far the best, but he said he'd prefer to stay in Seattle with my mother, she doesn't enjoy flying."
"Like she's scared of planes?" I ask, taking a sip of wine.
"That's kind of cute though, your dad wanting to stay with her."