A part of me wondered if he'd stay at Pearson & Associates after everything that went down but it's not like he knew about me and Blake. I never brought it up, plus there wasn't really anythingtobring up. Or at least that's what I've been telling myself.
Maybe Adrian's not leaving because of me. Maybe he just needs to figure things out. Maybe he needs a change of scenery. To reevaluate. To reinvent. I'm happy for him. I am.
"It just didn't work out," I lie. Adrian has kept that part of his life a secret for a reason. It's not my place to disclose that information. I mentally prepare myself for the barrage of questions.
"What happened? You were so stoked about it!" Kitty pouts, tilting her head. "What didhedo? What didyoudo? Tell me!"
"Nothing, he didn't do anything. It just wasn't meant to be. Bad timing is all." I shake my head and force a smile. "I really don't want to get into it, Kit. Can we just leave it at that? Please?"
Kitty purses her lips, tapping her nails on the counter. "Do I need to kick him in the nuts?"
Oh my God... She'd probably do it too.
"No, Kit, I think he's hurting enough as it is."I know I am. "Did he say why he's going to Spain?" I ask casually as I spray perfume on testing paper.
Kitty shrugs. "No, he didn't. I assume it's something to do with his family? Who knows?"
"Right," I muse, turning to face my friend. "Well, I have news to share as well."
Kitty frowns. "Good news or bad news?"
I hum, rocking my head side to side. "Both?"
Kitty crosses her arms. "What is it?" she whines.
"Well, on Tuesday, I'm going to New York," I say slowly. "For a year."
"A year?!" Kitty exclaims. "Why? For what? Are you going to visit? Or just—"
"My older cousin's getting medical treatment so I'm going with her. I'm going to enroll at NYU and get my Master's."
Kitty grimaces. "School? You're going back to...school? Oh God, you poor baby." She hugs me, her expression genuinely concerned.
God, she's so dramatic.
"I think I'll survive, Kit. I've always liked college."
"A Master's ain't college, honey. It's hell, just ask my sister." Kitty pats my back. "What are you going to study?"
"NYU has a Fashion and Luxury MBA program that's a year long. I applied last night, so we'll see if I get in."
"You're going to study fashion? Oh my God, that actually sounds like so much fun!"
"Right?! I figured that it made the most sense. Why not study what I love?"
Kitty leans against the counter. "I'm going to miss you, Cassifrass. Can I visit you?"
"Of course!" I exclaim. "You might have to sleep in the bathtub seeing as New York apartments were built for hamsters, but yeah, you can totally visit."
"Yay!" Kitty claps her hands. "Okay, we need to go upstairs to the shoe department. You definitely need a new pair of Jimmy's if you're going to New York."
"I couldn't agree more!" I loop my arm around Kitty's. "I also need to get a wedding present for my friend."
"Does she like shoes?" Kitty wiggles her eyebrows.
"Not like we do!" I throw my head back and laugh. "I was thinking more like a washing machine."
Kitty cringes. "She'd...like that?"