Adrian lets out a low laugh. "Well, that explains a lot."
"Don't laugh! It's not funny! You weren't the one trapped in that death suit." We stop at the concierge. "Hi, do you guys have Advil?" I ask, trying my hardest to sound polite.
"Of course, just give me a second," Benny the attendant says then ducks behind the counter, popping up again three seconds later. "Here you go, one Advil."
I snatch it from his fingers and toss it into my mouth. "Thank you," I say, grabbing a complimentary water bottle. Please save me, little green pill.
"Do you want to sit outside for a little bit?" Adrian asks, pointing to the front porch. "Or should we head back to the course?"
"Sitting sounds nice," I murmur, following Adrian to the patio furniture. "I'm too old for day drinking. I feel like shit."
"But you look beautiful," Adrian smiles as we sit down on the couch. "Listen, Cassie, we really need to talk. I don't want to keep putting this off."
I drop my head into my lap and groan. "Adrian, I have approximately seven functional brain cells right now and their only job is to make sure I don't die. Do we have to talk now? Can this wait until dinner at least? We can talk then...I promise."
Adrian shuffles beside me, placing a hand on my back and rubbing it up and down. "Okay," he agrees softly. "Dinner then."
rocking the boat
"So, where are you guys having dinner?" Kitty asks, sprawled out on her bed, flipping through a magazine. "Because I walked by the restaurant that's downstairs and it's pretty small, which means people will notice that the two of you are eating by yourselves."
"I have no idea, Kit," I say in an annoyed tone, carefully coiling my hair around the curler. "Adrian texted me and said, 'meet out back at 8 pm', that's all."
"Ooo, maybe he's taking you into town," Kitty sings, cocking her head to the side. "But he doesn't have a car, so how's he going to do that? Oh! Maybe you'll walk there. Or! Maybe he rented a boat? A boat sounds so romantic. Wait, do you want this to be romantic? What're you going to say to him? Have you thought about it?"
Oh, my fucking God. Does she ever stop asking questions?
"I don't know, Kit. Ido notknow!"
"Jeez, relax, Cassie," Kitty mumbles. "I was just asking."
After being paired with Kitty to play a thrilling game ofShark Tankwhere we had twenty minutes to come up with a business proposal and present it to 'The Sharks' aka the other members of our group, I don't think I can handle another minute alone with her. I know she's just trying to bond but I'm about two questions away from shoving a pair of socks in her mouth.
I think I'm mostly irritated because she's asking all the right questions. Questions I should probably have answers to.DoI want this to be a romantic dinner? WhatamI going to say? I'm blanking, unsure, because Adrian has this ability to make me forget my convictions, the reasons why I'm frustrated. He just smiles at me and all I want to do is kiss him. I can't do that tonight. I won't do that tonight.
I need answers. Concrete, valid answers as to why things are different now. Why he can suddenly 'give me more...'
I do one final hair and make-up check and grab my purse. "Alright, I'm leaving now. Don't text me for updates. I promise I'll tell you everything when I come back, okay?"
"Fine," she huffs. "Make sure Blake doesn't see you."
I roll my eyes. "We'll try and be covert."
"Have fun!" she exclaims as I exit the room.
Blake. Fucking Blake. Get out of my head. This whole afternoon, every time I'd look up, I'd catch his gaze, like he'd been staring at me for hours with those ocean blue eyes of his. And that crooked smile, his stupid dry sense of humor, his taste in food. God. Why? Why am I suddenly so intrigued by this man? This isn't natural. People should not be allowed to harbor feelings for more than one person. It's messy and confusing and downright unconstitutional. Oh God, did I just say feelings? Fuck.
I circle around the lodge until I'm at the back exit. It's dirty, dark, and borderline spooky back here.
"Cassie, over here," Adrian's voice looms from several feet away. I squint my eyes, trying to make out a figure.
"I can't see anything," I whisper. A flashlight flickers on and I hesitantly walk towards it. "You know, in most horror movies this is exactly how people die; by following strange lights coming from the woods."
Adrian's laugh echoes through the night. "Don't worry, Cassie, my murderous tendencies are far behind me."
"Good to know," I murmur, finally able to see Adrian's face. "What's with the cloak and dagger routine? Scared we'll get caught bythe others?"