Page 92 of Company Ink

"Stop!" They shout in unison and I freeze.

"Stop yelling at me! I can hear you both, I'm not deaf." My heart is beating way too fast right now.

"In about five seconds, walk forward," Blake says, and I begin counting.One, two, three...

"It's six seconds, Pearson!" Adrian counters just as I take a step forward. I'm instantly thrown to the ground when a blunt object swings into my hip. I land on my back with athump.

"Fuck!" I shriek, thrashing on the grass. I can't even bend my arms or legs to get up because of this damn inflatable suit. "Someone get this goddamn blindfold off my face!"

"Shit!" Adrian says, pushing up the smelly fabric. "Are you okay?"

I glare up at the two heads hovering over my body. "Am I okay? Am I okay?! You guys are just—" I groan, flailing around. "What're you doing just standing there? Help me up!"

Blake's lips are pressed into a thin line, his eyes bright with amusement. "Are you laughing at me?!" I exclaim, attempting to reach out and pummel his smug face.

Adrian and Blake each grab one of my hands and pull me up. "I'm done!" I huff.

Erica runs up to us, waving her clipboard in the air. "You need to finish the course Cassie, it's part of the rules," she says.

I scowl at her. "I think I have a concussion!"

Blake chuckles. "Cassandra, you're wearing a padded suit and headgear, you don't have a concussion."

"Unzip me, now!" I demand, glaring at Adrian who's trying not to laugh. I hate them. Both of them.

"Yes ma'am," Adrian grins, releasing me from the sauna of the sumo suit.

Ah, to be able to move my limbs again! "Erica," I begin, forcing a smile. "Thank yousomuch for this wonderful experience, but I think it's another team's turn, okay?"

"But—" Erica begins but is cut off by Adrian.

"Please, Erica," he says. "I think she's suffered enough for one day, no?"

Erica sighs. "Fine, fine, we'll move on."

"Thank you," I say flatly, walking off to the side of the course, Blake and Adrian in tow. "Why are you both following me?"

Blake stiffens. "Just trying to get out of the way," he mumbles.

Adrian tilts his head. "Why do you think you have a concussion?"

I roll my eyes. "My head hurts, duh!"

"Someone's chippy today," Adrian teases. "Let's go find you an Advil."

"I'll come as well," Blake states casually.

"Pearson, I think we're quite capable of locating Advil by ourselves," Adrian scoffs.

I flap my arms in disbelief and march away. Stupid lawyers with their arguing and making me fall. I am so not in a good mood right now.

"Cassie, wait!" Adrian calls out, jogging up beside me. "Why are you so grumpy? It's just a little game."

"My head is pounding right now," I whine as we make our way back inside the lodge.

"From falling? Come on, Cass," he chuckles. "I'm with Pearson on this one. Your head was safely secured in that helmet."

I grumble. "I feel hungover," I admit, averting his gaze. "Kitty and I had a few drinks on the way here."