What?!I didn't know that! Erica purses her lips. "Maybe you should sit out in that case." She looks down at her clipboard. "Okay, this means that Blake, you're without a partner. Hmm..."
"It's alright, I can pass on this one," he says coolly.
"No, no," Erica hums looking around. "Oh, this could be fun. We can have two guides on one team. Might be a little bit more challenging but that's what we're here to do, right? Who'd like to take Blake?"
"Mr. Pearson should go with Cassie and Mr. Cav," David pipes up. "She's technically both of their assistants." I shoot him a frigid glare. Fucking David!
"Oh, that's perfect then! Alright, everyone suit up and I'll meet you at the course!" Erica exclaims.
"Good luck," Kitty laughs and runs away to Mr. Virk.
Adrian and Blake both saunter towards me. "Well, Cassie, go suit up," Blake says. "We'll meet you on the course."
"Why do I have to be the one in the suit?Yousuit up!" I grumble, crossing my arms. "She didn't specify that the assistants need to be the guinea pigs."
Adrian smirks. "Yeah, Pearson, go on. Take one for the team."
"Please, Cassie," Blake says softly, ignoring Adrian completely. "Kitty and David are both suiting up. It's only fair."
"Fine!" I groan, stomping my feet. "God, you suck!"
"Alright, team. On your marks, get set, go!" Erica blows a whistle.
This suit is hot, I'm sweating, my face is wrapped in a piece of shitty polyester fabric and I want to cry. Everything is dark and I'm kind of scared.
"Okay, Cassandra, in front of you are eight tires side by side, about five inches high," Blake calls out.
"Just jump and keep your knees up! Keep a rhythm!" Adrian says.
Fuck me!I take a tentative step forward, my foot landing on the ground. I'm in!
"Good Cassie! Keep going! Back and forth! Steady pace!" Adrian encourages me, clapping his hands.
"The next tire is about eight inches forward!" Blake says calmly.
"She's not going to be able to measure inches with a blindfold, Pearson!" Adrian scoffs.
I whimper, wobbling side to side, trying not to fall and trip. "She's not an idiot, Adrian, she knows measurements!" Blake huffs.
God, they're useless. I continue to take hesitant leaps, trying to drown out their bickering.
"Okay, you made it! Good job, Cassie!" Adrian praises. "Now just walk until I say stop."
"It's about three yards," Blake clarifies, and I keep walking. "Great, now you need to jump over four logs. They're about five—"
"Good God, Pearson! Not everyone has a mental measuring tape!" Adrian barks. "Cassie just jump forward as high as you can."
"I can barely move in this thing!" I whine. "I can't jump! I'll fall!"
"It's fine, Cassandra, you got this," Blake says in a smooth tone. "Just jump."
I hate this day!I jump and jump and jump and jump, trying to fight back tears. I am not made for this! This is cruel!
"Fantastic, Cassie!" Adrian exclaims. "This next one is a bit tricky. There are five swinging poles, you'll need to walk and stop on our command, okay?"
I sniffle. "I don't like this!" Swinging poles? Dear Lord.
"Okay, walk!" Blake exclaims.