jack and rose and jack again
Seeing your coworkers in everyday clothing is the trippiest thing ever. David is wearing shorts. Shorts!I almost didn't notice him among the herds of all my other colleagues, but his pale white legs nearly blinded me as he passed by. Thank God I'm wearing sunglasses.
"Well, look who's on time for once," David says, checking his watch. "Oh, my bad, you're actually a minute late."
I roll my eyes. It's nice to see that David, despite his environment, is still a douche. For a while, I thought I did something to make him hate me, but soon I realized this is just how he is, perpetually rude.
"Good afternoon to you too, Castleberg. I'm really looking forward to spending the next forty-eight hours with you. Perhaps if my flashlight burns out, I can utilize your legs for light."
"What?" David asks, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Never mind," I sigh. It's probably best he doesn't get it. "Where do I put my luggage?"
"Under the bus,obviously," David responds dryly and walks away.
Oh sure, don't help me, that's fine. I trudge my suitcase up towards the bus.
"Need a hand?"
I crane my neck over my shoulder. "Uh…no, it's fine I got it," I stammer, meeting Adrian's eager expression.
Instead of sleeping last night, hence the sunglasses, I stared up at the ceiling and replayed everything Adrian has said to me over the past few months. I dissected every wink, every kiss, every touch, and every time he shot me down. Which wasa lot. And now I'm expected to just forget all of that? Let it go? Pretend as if he didn't give me severe whiplash with every 'I can't' and 'it's complicated'? I'm not ready to talk to him. I need more time.
"Are you sure?" he asks, eyeing my full-size suitcase. "It looks heavy. Did you pack your entire closet for this trip?"
"No..." I smile sheepishly, my eyes flickering over his shoulder.
Adrian follows my gaze and begins to chuckle. "Oh God, there's another one? Cassie, this is a two-day trip."
I scowl at him. "This suitcase is clothes, shoes, and bathroom essentials. The other one is my pillows and blankets."
Adrian grabs suitcase number one and places it under the bus. "You brought your own pillows?"
"I'm particular about the fabric that touches my face," I say flatly, walking over to retrieve suitcase number two, which is thankfully much lighter. I can't sleep without my satin sheets and memory foam pillows.
Adrian's hand brushes against mine as he grabs the second suitcase and gently places it under the bus. "I was thinking," he begins, his tone verging on nervous. "Maybe we could sit together? I'd like to uh…talk to you, Cassie, if you'll listen."
I bite the inside of my cheek. "Adrian, I don't think that's a good ide—"
"Cassie, you made it."
I whip my head around towards the voice, my breath catching. "Blake...hi." Oh my God, they're both here. Of course, they are, why wouldn't they be? Why am I freaking out?Breathe.
"Adrian," Blake nods, walking towards us. He stops beside me, standing so close that I can feel the heat radiating off of his body. "Nice to see you here as well."
"Pearson?" Adrian asks, his jaw clenching. "What areyoudoing here? You never come on these trips."
"Neither do you," Blake notes lightly, leaning ever so slightly into me.
Adrian stiffens, his eyes darkening. "Yes, well, I thought it would be good for morale to have all the Senior Associates present."
"Indeed, my sentiments exactly," Blake agrees smugly. "What's a team-building weekend without theManaging Partner?"
Oh jeez. Just bring out the ruler already.
I remember Kitty mentioning on my first day that Adrian doesn't like Blake because he doesn't believe he's Partner material, but I wonder why Blake's also so salty with Adrian. Maybe he can sense his vibes, the energy is always so tense between them.Or it's me.Wow. No no no no… Cannot think that.Way too anxiety-inducing.
"Yes, we would all just crumble without your leadership, Pearson," Adrian says in a tight tone. "Thank God, you've decided to join us."