Page 82 of Company Ink

"Yes." Blake averts my gaze. "It was."

"Ooo, you're lying to me!" I click my tongue, shaking my head. "And quite poorly might I add. Come on, Blake, if you're going to lie, you gotta do it with more conviction!"

Blake sighs, his eyes alight with amusement. "What can I say? My mother raised me to be an honest man. But I will heed your advice and attempt to be a better liar."

"Good, maybe you can pencil in deception training on Thursdays at 4 pm," I joke.

"Ah, no can do, Thursdays at 4 pm is when I stare out my window and contemplate my life," Blake responds cheekily. "Perhaps Fridays would work better."

"Oh, a funny guy, eh?" I grin.

Blake checks his watch. "Well, Iamscheduled for humor at 1:50 pm," he quips.

"Oh my God! Stop!" I nudge him playfully, letting out a quiet laugh. "Who knew Blake Pearson was a part-time comedian? When should we expect your Netflix special to come out?"

"I'm currently renegotiating my salary," Blake jokes, opening the doors to the office. "Well, thanks for coming to lunch with me, Cassandra."

"Thanks for paying!" I toss him a little wink. "Oh! I meant to ask you earlier, are you coming to the retreat this weekend?"

"Areyougoing?" he asks, lifting an eyebrow.

"Yup! I bought bug spray yesterday, so I'm committed to going now. Kitty said it's a pretty fun trip, plus if you go on the trip, you don't have to work Friday so that's a plus." Why am I telling him this? He's the boss. Obviously, he knows all of this. I smile. "So, uh—are you going to go?"

"Yes, I guess I am." Blake nods his head, his soulful eyes scanning my face. "I'll see you around.

Blake heads down the hallway to his office and I wander off to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Who knew he was so clever? I can't stop smiling right now. As I'm filling my mug with hot water, Adrian enters the kitchen forcing me to still.

"Good afternoon Cassie," he begins casually, walking over to the coffee machine.

"Hi," I say, dipping my tea bag into my mug repeatedly.Why is this so awkward now?

"Was that Pearson I saw you with earlier?" he asks lightly, his body facing away from me.

"Mhm," I peep. "We went for lunch."

Adrian turns around, a tight smile on his face. "You went for lunch?"

I take a deep breath. "Yeah, we got tacos."

Adrian's eyes narrow. "Tacos?"

Oh my God, this is stupid. I roll my eyes. "Stop repeating everything I'm saying, it's weird."

Adrian shrugs. "I just wasn't aware that you getlunchwith Pearson."

"I wasn't aware I had to inform anyone aboutwhoI get lunch with," I retort with an edge. "Blake and I are uh—friends."Is that even true?

"Really?" Adrian takes a step closer to me. "You said thatwe'refriends too, right? Does that meanwecan have lunch together?"

I did say that didn't I? Damn it. "I suppose it does." I pause, trying to read Adrian's expression but I'm at a loss. Is he mad? Sad? Tired? I can't tell today.

"Well how about on Thursday then?" he offers. "Greek food from Jack's? I can make a reservation."

Bad idea. Badbadidea.

"Okay sure, that sounds good."

Fuck. I'm hopeless.