Blake sighs and finally wraps his arm around my waist, his left-hand cupping mine. "One song," he whispers, and we begin swaying.
Blake is a liar. He can totally dance. Either he didn't notice that the band changed songs, or he's actually having fun because we stay on the dance floor, twirling and jiving for fifteen minutes. Just as the song is ending, a warm hand appears on my shoulder.
"Mind if I cut in?"
I twirl my head around towards the familiar low and husky timbre of Adrian's voice.
"Hi," I whisper, my eyes flickering down to his outfit; dark grey double-breasted tuxedo, charcoal black tie, and a brass pocket watch attached to his vest.Hello Peaky Blinders.
Blake drops my hand slowly and takes a step away from me, his cold glare landing on Adrian. "Of course," Blake says in a strained tone. "I need to go follow up with Elliot Wagner anyway." Blake's eyes soften when he looks at me. "Will you be okay, Cassandra?"
Adrian scoffs, taking a step closer to me and twisting me into his arms. "You're making it seem like you're leaving her alone with a criminal, Pearson." Adrian winks at me. "She knows I don't bite." I grin in spite of myself. How does hedothat?
"I was under the impression thatalldogs bite," Blake mutters under his breath so quietly I don't think he meant to say it out loud. Thankfully, Adrian doesn't seem to hear. "I'll be around, Cassandra, if you need anything."
Adrian rolls his eyes. "Yes, yes, she'll shoot up a flare if she needs saving, right Cassie?"
Oh my God!I narrow my eyes and let out a nervous giggle. "I'll be fine, Blake. I'll find you in a bit," I say, smiling through my sudden anxiety. Being around Blake and Adrian at the same time is too much for me to handle.
Blake nods, taking a breath. "Not too long I hope," he says and walks away, leaving me in the arms of a man who makes my knees turn into Jell-O.
Adrian places his hand around my waist and tugs me closer, swaying us to the music. "You look absolutely radiant tonight, Cariño," he whispers, his hot breath fanning against my neck. "But then again, you always do."
My heart flutters. "Thanks, you don't look half bad yourself."
Adrian twirls me around the dance floor until we're in the center. "How is your night going? You've been with Pearson all evening and haven't died of boredom yet, so that's a good sign," he says.
I swat his shoulder as he spins us around to the smooth and slow blares of a saxophone. "Blake isnotboring," I insist, sounding a little too defensive. "He's just...mellow."
Adrian laughs. "That's a very diplomatic way of saying that he's boring."
I push myself away from Adrian and loop around his arm, frowning as he spins me around. "And you don't think thatyou'reboring?" I ask, an edge in my voice.
"IknowI'm not," Adrian smirks, pulling me back into his arms. "And you know that too, Cariño."
I roll my eyes. "You know that some people find humility to be sexy, right?"
Adrian's chest vibrates as he laughs. "But you're not one of those people, Cassie. Nor are you humble yourself."
Damn it. He's not wrong. It's not like I think of myself as Queen of the World, but I've been told I could simmer down on the brazen cockiness now and again. Such a double standard; men rarely get told to be more humble.
"Ah," Adrian says quietly. "No witty reply?"
"I'm thinking!" I mutter, frustrated by his keen observation.
Adrian's eyes crinkle as he faces me. "It's not a crime to be confident, Cariño. Don't be offended, it's a compliment, truly."
I can't help but smile. "Well, thank you," I laugh. "I guess we're both going to hell then. Apparently, pride is a sin."As is lust.
Adrian smirks. "With a face like yours, Cassie, you'll definitely go to heaven."
"I don't think you're admitted through the pearly gates based on appearance," I muse as we fall into a comfortable rhythmic swing. "I heard there's some crap about soul and heart."
"Then you'll definitely get in," he winks.