Page 70 of Company Ink

"So, I ask you again: Chinese or Indian?" I scroll through the menu. "And no, salted chicken is not an option."

"You're serious?" Blake asks. "You're going to stay late to help me?"

"What are PAs for?" I grin. "I think we should go with Indian; it'll help revive your dormant taste buds."

"Are you making fun of me?" Blake's body shakes with mirth.

"Yes, I'm going to bully you into eating delicious food."

"Alright, I concede, Indian it is."

"Fantastic! Now, as for spice levels, should we get mild, medium, or hot?" I ask, suddenly feeling much more energized.

"Well, seeing as we're trying to graduate fromsalt and pepper, perhaps mild is the appropriate option."

"Not a fan of jumping right off the deep end?"

Blake smirks. "I've always been more of a 'dip my toe into the water' type of man."

"Why does that not surprise me?" I muse. "I bet you do a SWOT analysis before you buy a shirt."

Blake chuckles, shaking his head. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," I joke and quickly order us a couple of dishes plus a side of samosas, Blake seemed to love those. "Okay, let's get to work."


jessica rabbit

"Hey, Luce?" I call out from my aunt's closet. "Can you come here for a second? I can't find it."

After hours of online shopping (RIP credit limit), I found the best flapper-style dress to wear tonight to the gala; silver beading, black fringe along the seams, and low cut enough that the girls look great but doesn't make me look like a corporate hoe. I also bought a feather headband, a chunky necklace, and long silky black gloves. The only thing I completely forgot to buy was one of those long cigarette holders.

Lucy comes rushing into her room, huffing. "If our grilled cheese gets burned, it's your fault." My aunt reaches up to grab a box from the top shelf of her closet. "It's somewhere in here," she says, before rushing out. "Damn! I smell burning."

As luck would have it, Lucy went as Audrey Hepburn for Halloween two years ago and thankfully kept the iconic black cigarette holder. I rifle through the box of Halloween accessories until I find the damn thing.

Ah! Got it. I shove it in my purse and head downstairs. Hopefully, Blake doesn't show up early to pick me up. It's already 5:30 pm and he said he'd be at my place at 7 pm. I need the full hour and a half to get ready, but something tells me he's one of those 'if you're not early, you're late' types. Fingers crossed I'm wrong.

"Grilled cheese and tomato soup?" I ask, surveying Lucy's kitchen disaster.

Ness looks up from the dining room table, putting down her paintbrush. "She burned it."

Lucy whips her head around, a deep scowl on her face. "It's not burned, it's just extra toasty!" she exclaims in a frantic tone.

Ness and I exchange a look and start laughing. "Alrighty then, that's my cue to leave," I say then bite my lip, realizing I'm thirsty. " you have any coconut water?" It's a rhetorical question. She always has coconut water.

Luce rolls her eyes. "Yes," she sighs. "In the fridge, help yourself."

I shamelessly strut to the fridge and pull out a can. When I close the door, I notice a letter from New Vision Medical stuck to the stainless-steel door with a popcorn magnet. "What's New Vision Medical?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

Lucy squirts a hefty dose of ketchup on her plate before facing me. "It's a clinic in New York," she explains, passing Ness the plate of cheesy goodness. "They're accepting applications for a new experimental TBI recovery program. Ness's doctor said we should apply."

I look at Ness who shrugs, no evidence of hope on her face. "So,areyou going to apply?" I ask.

Lucy sits down at the table and wipes her forehead. "Yeah, why not, right? I mean they're only accepting like fifty patients and it costs a buttload of money but it's worth a shot."

"Yeah," I say slowly, trying to read Ness, who's expressionless face pricks my heart "Worth a shot."