Despite around the clock medication and rest, my cold lasted five whole days. I ended up missing Monique's bridal fitting this weekend, plus drinks with Matt's groomsman. Even though Monique insisted that I don't do any work while on bed rest, I managed to sneak in a few hours here and there, to make sure everything was ready for the gala this Friday. Communicating with vendors when you sound like you've inhaled a hundred helium balloons is rather cumbersome; one person thought I was prank calling them.
"I was sick, Castleberg, not doing shots in Tahiti. A little sympathy would be appreciated." I toss my purse and blazer over my chair. "But it's nice to know that my absence was noticeable."
"Of course, it was," he grins. "Kitty and I managed to get so much more work done without your constant interruptions."
"Don't listen to him." Kitty rolls her eyes. "I personally love it when you send us talking animal videos. It always makes my day."
I blow Kitty a kiss. "Thank you! I do it for your entertainment."
Kitty rolls her chair to my station. "So, how's everything looking for Client Appreciation Night? Is there anything I can help you with?"
"Honestly, I think everything is ready to go. I even managed to convince the catering company to dress their servers in 20s fashion."
"Really?" Kitty beams. "I'm actually so excited for this. The last two galas have been so incredibly dry. I swear, if it wasn't for the open bar, we'd probably lose clients."
"Well, fingers crossed this year is better! Do you have your outfit planned?"
Kitty's eyes light up. "Oh my God, yes! I found this dress at Nordstrom that's just perfect. The only thing I need to do now is to find something for Joshua to wear."
I wiggle my eyebrows. "Joshua? Is this the new boyfriend?"
Kitty blushes. "Yeah, we met two week ago at a coffee shop, I know it's totally cliché but he's so sweet and cute and I just—" Kitty falls back into her chair, her eyes glossy and serene. "He's perfect."
"I'm so happy for you Kitty Cat!" I exclaim with a smile. Happy and a little bit jealous.
Kitty looks like she's on cloud nine. She's probably in the honeymoon phase where everything is rainbows and sprinkles. It's been a while since I've felt that, or I'veletmyself feel that. Sometimes when I'm thinking about Adrian, a foreign fluttering feeling creeps into my stomach and spreads to my heart, but it dwindles away as soon as I remember his stance on relationships. A stance that I also had not too long ago. Change. So much change. I just don't want to get hurt and he has the power to incinerate me.
And then there's Blake.
I'm not entirely sure why he just popped into my head. I blame Monique and her lectures on suitable men. Blake has a lot of qualities Monique thinks I should find desirable: rational, reliable, kind (most of the time), has his shit together. And I get it. Men like Blake are safe. But with safety comes monotony...right?
"Areyoubringing a date?" Kitty asks eagerly.
I bite my lip. Is she reading my mind or something? "No, I'm not. I'm actually going to go with Mr. Pearson."
"Mr. Pearson?" Kitty's eyebrows knit together. "Really? Like as a date? Or?"
"Just as colleagues." I pause. "Is that weird?"
Kitty shrugs. "I guess not. There are a few other people around the office that are going together. I think Sandra is going with George from Finance. I just think it's weird that Mr. Pearson is going with someone in general. He's been flying solo for the last two years ever since he broke up with his girlfriend."
Oh my God. Blake tea. I'm here for it. "So, he's been single for two years? Who was he dating? What did she look like?"
Kitty hums, squinting her eyes. "I think her name was Amelia? I don't really remember it was a while ago. I just started working here when they broke up and idle office gossip wasn't really my jam back then. I wish Nancy was still here, she'd probably have more information."
"Oh..." I nod slowly, underwhelmed by her response. That tea was ice cold. "I wonder what changed."
"I don't know. Maybe he has a thing for you," Kitty says jokingly.I think.
I let out a nervous giggle. "Are you serious? I mean like, yeah, he's nice to me and shit but I don't think he has athingfor me."
Kitty tilts her head. "He'sniceto you, Cassie. That means something. David and I weren't joking when we said he's awful, like we were genuinely concerned for your safety when you became his PA."
I scoff. "You guys were the ones who volunteered me!"
"Yeah, I know," Kitty smiles sheepishly. "But we didn't really know you yet so..."