Page 66 of Company Ink

Blake tilts his head. "Dick move?"

I swallow, giggling nervously. "That was anunprofessional overreaction? Better?"

"I thinkdick moveworks in this situation," he laughs quietly… "And thank you for getting my car back. You should submit the receipt to finance, I'll make sure you're reimbursed."

"Oh...I—uh, I didn't pay for it."

"No? Then tell Kitty to submit it."

I cringe inwardly. "It was actually Mr. Cavallero who paid. He—uh drove me back to the impound lot."

Blake's eyes narrow. "Adrian...took you? During work hours?"

Damn, I shouldn't have mentioned it. "Yes?"

"I see," he hums, a sour expression on his face. "Well, I'll be sure tothankhim." His tone really lacks any gratitude, the wordthankcould easily be replaced withkill.

"Sounds good," I murmur. What else can I say? My phone pings again. This better be UberEats. "Sorry, one second." I answer the call. "Come in," I say, pressing seven on my keypad. I look up at Blake. "My food."

"Right," he says, standing up. "Well, I should be going."

I nod, leading him to the front door. "Thanks for stopping by." I pause. "I plan on working a little bit later today, I just need to finalize some details for the gala next week. I'll send you an email."

Blake stops just outside the door. "Speaking of Client Appreciation Night. I was wondering—" He bites his lip just briefly. "Would you like to go together?"

I blink. "Together? Like a... date?"

Blake stiffens. "Like colleagues," he clarifies. "Unless you had other...plans."

Adrian momentarily pops into my head but disappears as fast as he came. If he wanted to ask me, he would've done so already. "Sure, why not." I squint my eyes. "You're dressing up, right?"

Blake sighs. "Yes, Cassandra. I'll be dressed up."

I beam. "Good! Can you get a walking cane?"

"A cane? Why do I need a cane?"

"Gatsby had a cane! You need a cane! It'll complete the whole look."

Blake rolls his eyes. "Fine, I'll go purchase acane."

"Yay!" I clap my hands. "Now I'm excited."

Blake grins. "I'll see you at work when you're better?"

"I'll be there," I say, watching Blake disappear down the hallway.

I'm going to C.A.N. with Blake.This is going to be so much fun!Suddenly, my heart clenches. Oh God...but why do I feel like this is somehow wrong? Almost like I'm cheating on Adrian? That's ridiculous. We're not dating. I have no reason to feel shady. He didn't ask me. If anything, he has made it perfectly clear he doesnotwant to date me. Like at all. But still.

Can a person be happy and sad at the same time? I shake my head, staring at the elevator.

No more NyQuil.


dazed and confused

"Well, look who's finally decided to grace us with their presence," David tuts, peering over his cubicle. "Have a nice little vacation, Cassie?"