New house. Everything is becoming more real right now. In a few weeks, Mon-Mon will be gone-gone. And I'll be here, still sick, because this is apparently my life now—Kleenex, Reality TV, and a hefty dose of self-loathing. Okay, well, maybe that's a tad dramatic, I've only been sick for under 24 hours, but itfeelslike a lifetime!
"Huh, that's a good idea." Monique purses her lips and nods. "Let's hope Ekene will go for it. Matt's mom is a bit scary, to be honest."
"Scarier thanyourmom?" I ask, sniffling.
Monique blows a raspberry. "My mom's a saint compared to his!" She sighs, looking at her watch. "Alright, my sick little one, I have to go to work now but I'll put the kettle on for you, okay? Drink that Throat Coat tea I bought last night it should help."
"Go, go, enjoy your freedom," I whine, groaning and burying my face into the pillow.
It's only 9 am. I shouldn't even be awake right now. Damn internal clock! At least I have The Bachelor on my PVR to keep me entertained. Just as the rose ceremony starts, my phone pings. I pat my surroundings looking for the torture device. Why is it so loud?!
Adrian: Morning, Cassie. Just checking in. How are you feeling?
I guess Nadine sent him an email saying I'll be off for the day.
Cassie: I feel like I'm dying a slow and excruciating death
Adrian: From the sniffles?
Did he just say sniffles? Or is my NyQuil kicking in?
Cassie: Very funny MR. CAV. You and my roommate should really start an Anti-Sympathy club.
Adrian: Oh, don't be like that, I was just joking. I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Is there anything I can do?
Cassie: Build me a time machine so that I can go back to yesterday and not park in the drop off zone
Adrian: I would if I could, Cariño, but my flux capacitor is on backorder
I grin at my screen.
Cassie: OMG... Is that a Back to the Future reference? I'm dying (from laughter, thought I'd clarify)
Adrian: This stays between us. I don't need the whole office knowing that I'm a closeted sci-fi fan
Cassie: My lips are sealed. I'm learning so much about you. What else is hiding under that stoic exterior? Are you secretly a Potterhead too? It's leviosA not levioSAR!
Adrian: ... I regret making that joke now
Cassie: Stooop, it's endearing. Big bad lawyer man is an 80s cult movie fan. Who would've thought?
Adrian: Big bad lawyer man? Is that my nickname?
Cassie: It is now!
Adrian: Good to know, maybe I'll add it to my email signature
Cassie: LOL can you please?
Adrian: Maybe just for you
Cassie: I'm honored
Adrian: It's nice to see that yoursense ofhumor hasn't suffered due to your...dying
My eyes dart around the living room. I do feel much...happier now.
Cassie: I think the NyQuil's kicking in