I manage to drink half my cup before stating that I need to get back to the office. Annie walks me to the elevator, and I head back down to the lobby.
Document in hand, I wave goodbye to statue-man Luther. A gust of wind nips at my skin as soon as I exit the complex. The air is moist, and I know it's going to start raining any second. As soon as my gaze drifts to the road, my heart sinks into my stomach and I drop the manila folder on the floor.
Oh my God! Where the fuck is Blake's car?!
girl, where's my car?
Quickly picking up the documents, I whip my head back and forth looking for the Lexus. I swear I parked it here! Am I going crazy? Oh shit! What if someone stole it? Panic begins to overtake my body as I dash back into the complex. Maybe Luther saw something.
"Luther!" I exclaim, my tone shaky and anxious. "Did you see a black SUV parked out front?"
Luther sighs. "Yes, I did. It got towed ten minutes ago."
"What?!" I shriek.
"Yes," he says calmly. "I called a tow truck."
My jaw drops. "Youcalled it? Why did you do that? That's my boss's car!" Towed? It got fucking towed?! My purse is inside! My jacket! Oh, my fuck, I left my phone in there too! This is not happening!
"Oh, that wasyourcar?" he asks, sucking in a breath. "I didn't know, I'm sorry. That parking spot is for drop-offs only." He tosses me a tight smile. "You should've read the sign."
I grind my teeth together. Breathe! Don't spaz. Fucking breathe! "Did I hurt you somehow?" I ask, shooting a glare at Luther.
The Devil's Spawn rolls his eyes. "No, Miss Carrington, I was simply doing my job."
I run a hand through my hair. "I need that car! All my stuff is inside! I don't even have my phone."
"Well, the impound lot is only a mile and a half away. You can walk there."
I point aggressively to my feet. "In these shoes?! You must be out of your damn mind!" Blake said he needed the files by 2 pm. It's already past 1:30 pm, what the fuck?! "Can I use your phone to call my office?"
Luther hands me the telephone. "Be quick."
I begin to dial the area code and then remember I don't know the phone number off the top of my head. What is this day? "Umm...Luther?"
Satan's Child looks up from the computer. "What?"
"Can you please Google the number to Pearson & Associates?" I ask meekly.
Luther huffs. "Would you like me to smoke it for you too?"
I narrow my eyes. "Hah hah very funny!"
Luther types on the computer and then reads off the phone number as I punch it into the receiver. The line rings.
"Pearson & Associates, Matilda Bedford speaking. How may I direct your call?"
"Tilly!" I whine. "It's me, Cassie. Um...is Mr. Pearson available? I have a... situation."
"Cass?" she asks. "What's wrong?"
"Oh, it's nothing, I just need to talk to Mr. Pearson."
"Hold on, let me check his schedule." Tilly puts me on hold for a few seconds and I glare at Luther as anxiety-inducing plinky plonky music blares into my eardrum. "Hi, I'm back. So, it seems that Mr. Pearson is on a call right now. I can give him a message for you if you want."
I grunt. "Yeah, uh—can you just tell him I'm running late and I'll be back at the office in an hour?"