"Cassie's told me that you're painting a lot of landscapes these days. Is that correct?" he asks. Vanessa nods slowly, her uncertain gaze briefly flickering towards me. I'm sure she's not happy I've been talking about her to a stranger.
"There's a Monet exhibit at the Art Museum starting next week. Would you be interested in going? I'm good friends with the curator and can get you a couple of passes."
"Really?" she asks, her eyes lighting up to a beautiful shade of hazel. "Yes."
I can't help but grin. "You know the curator at the SAM?" I ask.
Blake smirks. "I know a lot of people, Cassie."
I open my mouth in pure excitement. "You called me Cassie!" Ness pouts as her eyebrows scrunch together watching our interaction. "He always calls me Cassandra at work," I explain to her.
Ness giggles as she shakes her head and meets Blake's light expression. "She hates it," she says.
Blake winks at Vanessa. "I know."
Leaning back into my seat, I sip on my tea as I observe Blake and Vanessa scroll through his phone and talk about French art history. Perhaps talking is not the right word, they're communicating, through nods and hums and hand actions. Blake talks to Vanessa like she's a grown-up, like there's nothing wrong with her; and this sight, for some peculiar reason, causes my heart to melt.
Vanessa is examining a painting on Blake's phone when it vibrates. Ness passes it to him. "It's probably my father," he says, reading the text message. "Ah, he's finished with his appointment, I should go and get him."
"Yeah." I check the time. "We should get going as well. I think the movie starts in twenty minutes." I look at Ness. "Still down?"
Vanessa nods and I give her a hand standing up. "Well, this was...nice," I say to Blake, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
Blake smiles, running a hand through his hair. "See you at work." He pauses, tossing me a playful grin. "Cassie."
I roll my eyes. "Bye," I sing, walking towards the exit, my arm looped through my cousin's.
"Bye, Ness," he calls out. "I'll give Cassie those tickets on Monday."
Vanessa turns her head and waves her hand. "Bye, Blake!"
When we get outside, I pull out my phone to order an Uber. Ness tugs on my arm, demanding my attention.
Vanessa tilts her head to the side. "I like him," she whispers, her eyes darting to the front entrance.
"Yeah..." I bite my lip, my own gaze shifting back towards the Medical Center. "Me too."
bermuda triangle
I rub my eyes as I enter the staff kitchen, careful not to smudge my eyeliner. I am so fucking exhausted; stuffing and mailing almost one hundred envelopes last night has left my tongue dry and the corners of my mouth sore from mini cuts. The next time someone asks me how the Joker got his scars I'll tell them he must have been a Maid of Honor.
I lifelessly float to the Nespresso machine and pop in a decaf pod. We didn't have decaffeinated coffee two weeks ago, I guess Kitty finally decided to order some after hearing me rant. Decaf still has caffeine—hopefully, it's enough to bring me back from the brink of death.
"Good morning, Cassie."
I turn my head towards the voice. "Adrian?" Was he there the whole time? Jesus, I'm out of it. The last thing I need right now is another fight with Adrian.
Adrian cocks his head to the side, holding a large mug in his hand. "How was the rest of your weekend?"
"It was fine," I state curtly. "You?"
Adrian eyes me carefully but I avert his gaze. "Not the best. I had a lot on my mind."
I hum, suppressing a yawn. "How unfortunate."