"Oh, honey!" My mom comes around the table and gives me a warm side-hug. "We love you but you're an adult now. You don't need us anymore. You have a career. You're living with Monique. You'll be just fine!"
I attempt to take Cameron Diaz's advice and cry on the inside like a winner. None of her reasons for me being fine are true! I am the opposite of fine! I am un-fine.That's not even a word!
"Monique's getting married," I say into my mom's shoulder, sniffling, trying to not look like a child. "She's moving out soon."
My mom pats my head like a toddler before returning to her chair. "To Matthew?! That's wonderful! I'll have to call Simone and Will to congratulate them!" I never understood why people called the parents of the betrothed; it's not liketheydid anything!
Our food arrives in record time and I passively listen to my mom as she drones on about Monique, acting as if she didn't just shake up my entire life. If they move to Mexico, then my only family in the States will be Lucy and Ness. All my grandparents are dead, it'll just be the three of us. I can't believe they're doing this. They're leaving me. Their only daughter.
I pull out the gift box from my purse and slide it over to my mom. "Give this to dad for me," I say gloomily. "It's his Father's Day present."
"Aw, that's so sweet of you, dear." She grabs it and places it inside her handbag. "What is it?"
"It's a customized fish lure," I mumble. "I had it inscribed."
"Oh, he'll love that!" Mom exclaims, her eyes glimmering with appreciation.
"Yeah," I sigh. "I hope so."
Mom and I eat in silence for a few minutes, before the sound of melodic chimes coming from the front doors, causes me to look up from my plate of paneer tikka masala. My eyes widen and my heart drops into my stomach. Shit! Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. What time is it?! I totally forgot to run the keys back to the office.
Adrian narrows his unimpressed eyes at me as he walks over to our table. Thankfully, my oblivious mother's attention is focused on the meal in front of her, and not on my panic expression, or shifty eyes.
"Hi," I say in a low drawn out-breath as he stops at the edge of our table. My mother tilts her head towards the stranger hovering above us. "What're you doing here?"
"You said ten minutes, Cassie," Adrian says in a low tone, paying zero attention to my mom. "It's been twenty."
Fuck! "Why didn't you just call me?" I whisper, trying to sound as composed as possible. I can sense my mom observing our interaction in the corner of my eye.
"I did, but you didn't answer." Adrian holds his phone in front of my face showing three outgoing calls. "Well? Keys?"
My mom clears her throat, a dainty and high-pitched sound escaping her mouth. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your...friend?"
"Right, sorry..." I laugh nervously. "Mom, this is Adrian." I glance up at Adrian and swallow. "Adrian, this is my mother, Meredith."
"Pleased to meet you, Meredith." Adrian nods at my mom and then faces me, holding out his hand. "Keys, Cassie."
"Adrian?" My mom asks, her forehead creasing. Oh no. Please don't. "Cassie's never mentioned an Adrian before. How do you two know each other?"
Fuckity fuck. No. Please! She can't know I have a new job. Not like this. I'm not ready!
Adrian takes an annoyed breath and turns back towards my mother. "I'm Cassie’s new bo—"
"Boyfriend!" I exclaim, abruptly standing up and nearly knocking my glass of water on the table.
Dread immediately washes over my body. What did I just do?!
time to die
Adrian's head whips around, confusion plastered all over his face. "What?" he asks in a hushed tone. I look at him with pleading and desperate eyes, hoping that he'll register my panic and go with it.
"Boyfriend?" My mom's dubious eyes dart between me and Adrian. "I thought you were seeing that Brody fellow?" Mom pauses. "Wait...or was it Benji...no... Cameron?" She shakes her head. "Sorry, there are justso manyit's hard to keep track." Mom fake-smiles at us. "Anyway...do you work at NVP as well?"
I clench my teeth together, my cheeks burning up. She's making it seem like I've dated half the population of Seattle! Running an anxious hand through my hair, I sneak a peek at Adrian who looks like he's finally clueing in.
"No," I peep. "Adrian is uh—a lawyer. We met at a bar a few weeks ago. Right...babe?"