"I meant the brand Cassandra! What brand is this?" he asks in a strained tone.
I scramble to retrieve my cell phone from my pocket. Pulling up the catering website, I scroll to beverages. "Um...It's Seattle's Best," I read, wondering what the fuck is causing such a distraught reaction.
Blake takes a deep breath and marches towards me in three purposeful and menacing strides. Oh, dear God. What did I do? "Did I not tell you to read Nancy's notes carefully?"
"I did!" I insist. "I followed everything to the T. I promise. I can forward you her list. I don't understand the problem. What's wrong with Seattle's Best? It's the best, right?" I try to force a smile and add, in a whisper, "It's in the name."
"You were supposed to get Coastal Beans, Cassandra. Weneedto serve Coastal Beans."
"Why is the brand so important? It's just coffee."
Blake sighs, clearly irritated by my lack of understanding. "Coastal Beans is a subsidiary of Wagner Corp, Cassandra. And now we're going to be serving them their competitor's coffee? That is..." Blake looks around the room frazzled. "That is unacceptable!"
Oh my God, he's insane. "Okay, I get where you're coming from and yes, maybe that's a littleunorthodoxbut uh—do you honestly think they'll be able to tell?"
Blake presses his lips into a thin line. "Icould tell."
"Maybe their taste buds aren't as developed as yours?" I offer in an overly panicky tone.
"You're just pulling at straws at this point—" Blake begins to say but a deep baritone voice booming from the front door interrupts him.
"Mr. Pearson, good morning."
Blake takes a deep breath, and his tightened features melt into a welcoming and bright smile. "Mr. Wagner." He shakes his hand. "Please come in. There are pastries and coffee on the table," he says, tossing me a darkened side-eye. The Wagner team heads to the table and begin stacking their plates up with croissants, muffins, and fruit.
"This is a disaster," Blake grumbles under his breath.
I eye the group of businessmen carefully and an idea pops into my head. "It'll be fine. Trust me. I have a plan!" I whisper to Blake and scurry off to get myself another cup of coffee. I'm so glad I'm not wearing my Fitbit today, based on how fast my heart is beating it would probably send an SOS to the paramedics.
"Cassandra!" Blake says through his teeth, following me closely behind. "What're you doing?"
I smile cunningly at my boss. "Grab your coffee and follow my lead."
Sauntering over to Mr. Wagner with a mug in my hand, I place my palm on his shoulder and cast him my most flirtatious smile. "Good morning Mr. Wagner. I'm Cassie Carrington, Mr. Pearson's PA. It's a pleasure to meet you!"
"You too, Miss Carrington," Mr. Wagner says, shaking my hand. "You must be new."
"I am! It's my second week here." I take a sip from my mug and widen my eyes. "Oh gosh! Mmm!"
Mr. Wagner gestures to my cup. "You like it? The coffee?"
"Yes! It's amazing. So bold and rich, just heavenly!"
A satisfied smile reaches Mr. Wagner's eyes. "We own the company."
"What? No way! I didn't know that. This is probably the best coffee I've had in my entire life!" I tilt my head coyly. "What's your secret?"
Mr. Wagner, a man who looks like he's in his late sixties, greying hair and a beer belly, lets out a rough chuckle, taking a sip of his own coffee. "That's very nice of you to say Cassie but I must tell ya, I'm not about to go and spill trade secrets."
I throw my head back and laugh dramatically. "Oh, Mr. Wagner." I flap my hand. "A girl can try."
Mr. Wagner looks past my shoulder and I follow his gaze to Blake, who's standing tense as a board, his knuckles wrapped so tight around his black ceramic mug that they're turning white. This man needs to learn how to relax.
"Blake," Mr. Wagner laughs. "Your new PA is simply delightful. Much better sense of humor than that Nancy girl."
I shoot Blake a triumphant grin.Flattery wins every time.Blake's jaw twitches as he attempts to curl his lips into a smile. "She'ssomething, isn't she?"
"Just being honest," I giggle, flashing Mr. Wagner a warm smile and gesturing to the table. "Why don't you have a seat? We'll get started soon."