I have this primal urge to leap out and latch onto him. Everything he's saying, his gruff tone, his enigmatic energy, his confidence, fuckingeverythingis drawing me in. Without thinking, I reach out and place my palm on his chest, taking a step closer to him. "You'd wait?" The question spills out of my mouth unintentionally, like a part of me thinks that time will change his answer.
"For you?" He leans closer to me. "Definitely." Suddenly, he rakes his hand through my hair and pulls me forward. His mouth meets mine in a wet lingering kiss, his tongue gentle but ravenous, and I don't dare pull away, savoring this moment, because I know it's probably the last for a while. When he draws back, he whispers in a raspy tone, "But canyou?"
Fuck. My whole body feels like it's on fire, enveloped in blissful heat. "Yes," I peep, feeling frustrated and flushed. My heart and brain, and mouth and body, erupt, in an internal duel, and nothing makes sense anymore. Nothing.
"We'll see about that," Adrian smiles cunningly, like he knew that kiss would make me doubt my decision. Pointing to the door next to the sign that reads10th floor, he adds, "Can we take the elevator now?"
Begrudgingly, I nod my head. "Yeah, whatever." Our conversation has drained all of my mental energy. I know I'm doing the right thing, acting like a grown-up, but I feel so incredibly shitty right now and I'm not sure why.
Adrian opens the door for me and leads me to the elevator. "What're you working on today?" he asks casually as we ride up to our office.
"There's a three-hour-long meeting with Wagner Corp this morning. Mr. Pearson asked me to sit in and take minutes," I respond flatly. He's talking to me about work right now?
Adrian visibly tenses when I say Blake's name. "He askedyouto takenotes?" he inquires in a low mumble. "Of course, he did."
"Isn't that what PAs are for?" I ask, confused.
"Usually,we record all meetings and get one of the administrators to transcribe the entire thingafterward." Adrian's top lip curls into a scowl. "I don't know why you need tosit in."
I shrug lifelessly. "Maybe he wants me to familiarize myself with the merger?"
"Sure, that's why," Adrian huffs just as the elevator doors open.
"Okay..." He's acting strange right now, but I don't have time to pry. "I need to go and set up the boardroom. I'll see you around?"
Adrian's somber eyes don't leave mine as he says, "I'll be waiting for you, Cassie. Just say the word."
My heart flutters ever so slightly but I tell that bitch to simmer the fuck down. I need to de-Adrianize myself for my own sanity, for my own mental health. Hell, for my damnphysicalhealth too.
"Don't hold your breath," I say quietly and head to my desk.
Monique better bake me a fucking cake for what I just did.
flattery wins
Attempting to shake off my current shitty demeanor, I take a few minutes to reply to some emails. Just after 8 am, the catering company calls and tells me they've arrived. I guide them to the boardroom and begin organizing the spread of breakfast foods and beverages. I don't know why I was worried I'd fuck this up. Nancy's notes on the Wagner team were short, she just listed the name of the catering company and the food to order.
As I'm setting up the notepads, pens, and glasses of water,a light knock on the boardroom door forces me to turn my head.
"How's everything going in here, Cassandra?" Blake asks, scanning the room carefully while making his way to the coffee urn. "Elliot Wagner and his team are on their way up from the parkade."
"I think we're good to go!" I exclaim, straightening out one of the notepads to make sure it aligns with the wooden pattern on the table. "I queued up your PowerPoint as well, but I don't know how to connect the pointy thing. It's not working."
Blake pours himself a cup of coffee and splashes in a tiny bit of cream before facing me, his eyes narrowed and glistening.
"The pointy thing?" he asks slowly, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, like the remote with the little laser beam?" I swing my hand around mimicking the action. "What are they called?"
"A slide advancer," he chuckles, stirring his beverage and bringing it up to his mouth. As soon as he takes a sip, his eyes widen to a terrifyingly large size.Oh no. "Cassandra..."
"Yeah...?" I cringe. Oh my God. What did I do? Is the coffee cold? Is it burned? "What's wrong?"
Blake grips the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes.Dramatic much?"What kind of coffee is this?"
"Uh—the regular kind?"Be more specific, woman!"I think it's a medium roast? Why? What's the matter? Is it bad? I'd try some but I don't really drink coffee." My heart is already racing right now from the caffeine and building nerves.