Page 38 of Company Ink

"Why are you calling me so early?" I add.

"Well, good morning to you too Cassie," my mom sighs. "I saw that you were active on Facebook and decided to give you a quick call."

I've been waiting for her to finally reach out after Lucy's vague comment. Here it comes. "Okay... What's up?" I ask hesitantly. "Lucy mentioned you had some big news to share with me."

"We do!" Mom exclaims. "But your father and I would like to discuss it in person. We'll be in the city later this week. Can you meet us for lunch on Thursday?"

"Yeah, sure. That's fine," I say, pausing outside the office building.

"Wonderful! Your father and I can come to pick you up from work. I remember that there's this nifty little lunch spot right by NVP that has these delicious bento boxes."

"Oh, that place closed down," I lie, mentally thanking Lucy that she hasn't blabbed to my parents that I lost my job. "Why don't we go somewhere new? There's a great Indian restaurant on 5th, I think it's called The Pink Elephant. I can meet you there instead; there's no need for you guys to pick me up."

I've decided that I'm not telling my parents about NVP until I secure a full-time position at a different company. If my dad found out I got laid off and took atemporaryposition in a field that I didn't even study in, I'd never hear the end of it. I don't want to disappoint him more than I already have.

"Aw, that's too bad but okay. Can you make a reservation for 1 pm?"

"Yup. I'll call them today."

"Alright dear, have a great day."

"You too, bye Mom."

What the hell are they planning on sharing with me? They rarely come to the city during the week. I'm starting to think this 'news' might not be related to gardening anymore. I suppose I'll find out in two days.

Entering the building, I take a sip of my dark roast coffee and walk towards the elevators. Dark roast has the least amount of caffeine says the internet, which is brand new information to me, but it makes sense seeing as the blonde roast nearly put me into cardiac arrest. As I turn the corner, my body jerks from the sight in front of me, and I wince from the hot liquid splashing against my lips.

No way. Nope. Not doing this right now. It's far too early for an Adrian encounter. Why is he here? Does he always come in at this time?

As quietly as I can, I turn on my heel and tiptoe to the emergency staircase. Fifteen floors. I'm going to have to climb fifteen damn floors in order to avoid him. What has my life become?

Evidently, I'm not quiet enough because as I open the emergency door, Adrian sings from behind me, his voice laced with humor, "Cassie... what're you doing?"

Nope. I don't hear him. I'm pretending that Ido nothear him. I open the door and rush inside and up the stairs. I run up the first flight and then a loud thud crashes behind me, followed by quick footsteps. I hasten my pace and climb the stairs even faster.

"Cassie, stop!" Adrian laughs, his voice bouncing off the walls. "You know I'll catch up."

God, my thighs burn and I'm not even on the third floor. I stop to catch my breath, my heart pounding out of my chest. I have a bone to pick with my yoga instructor; she told me my cardio would benefit from her classes. What a load of hooey!

"Oh, Adrian? Is that you?" I squeak, starting the trek once again. "Didn't hear you." I look over the railing to find Adrian's thick head of brown waves bobbing up and down with every step.

"Cassie, you're being ridiculous right now. Slow down before you pass out," he says, his voice louder than before. Dammit, he's gaining on me.

"I am in excellent shape!" I say, completely out of breath and panting. "This is nothing. I hiked Machu Picchu for God's sake!"

"You're not going to be able to avoid me forever, you know? Iamyour boss. You'll have to talk to me face-to-face at some point."

I wipe the sweat starting to form on my forehead. "I know that! I'm not avoiding you. I just uh- missed my morning workout."

"You're a horrible liar," he says, his voice clear as day.I am a fantastic liar! How dare he insult me like that!I whip my head around. Fuck. He's caught up. "Please continue walking though. I have a great view from down here."

I immediately swing my purse over my shoulder and cover my ass with my Tuscan leather bag. "Go in front of me!" I snap my fingers while pointing.

Adrian smirks and joins me by my side. "No. But I'll walk beside you. Gotta make sure you don't fall."

"Right, that's why you're here. My safety," I grunt and take a sip of my coffee. Definitely shouldn't be pumping more caffeine into my body seeing as I already feel jittery as fuck, but I don't have any water on me.

"It's true." Adrian shrugs. "I wouldn't want you to sue the company."