Page 34 of Company Ink

"Actually, Kitty and David volunteered me," I breathe. "I just...accepted."

Adrian grips the bookshelf behind me, his sturdy chest hovering above mine. "You should've asked me first, Cassie," he whispers into my ear, so soft and quiet that I almost don't hear him. "I don't share."

"An only child, I presume?" I ask in a shaky tone, trying to hold my breath so that his deliciously masculine cologne doesn't bring me to my knees.

Adrian lifts his other hand slowly up to my face, the pad of his thumb grazing the burning apples of my cheeks.

"Good guess but no," he hums in a husky tone, dragging his hand down the length of my neck, his palm curling around the base of my throat, his thumb brushing my bottom lip lazily, forcing me to squeeze my thighs shut. "However, you can only imagine how I felt when Nadine called to inform me that now I have to share you withPearson." Adrian's hot breath flows into my mouth as he leans towards my lips.

I close my eyes, and grip the sides of my skirt, trying to hold onto my last shred of self-control. "Adrian, we—"Adrian wraps his warm hand around my waist and pulls my body plush with his. "I—"

He brushes his lips against mine. He tastes like mint and sugar and sin. I let out a tiny moan. "Finish your sentence, Cassie," he rasps, his tongue flicking across my bottom lip. "Tell me to stop."

Shallow and uneven breaths escape my quivering mouth.This is your chance. Tell him to stop. I squirm, trying to force my brain to connect with my mouth.

Adrian chuckles, a burst of hot, sweet air fills my lungs. "You want this," he grumbles, sliding his hand up the back of my blouse, the tips of his fingers running back and forth across my bare skin. "Say it."

Shivers course down my spine, causing a wicked grin to capture Adrian's mouth. It's taking every fiber of my being not to reach out and touch his body, he's so close, so hot, and so fucking tempting.

"We can't do this," I finally say in a throaty and breathy tone. "I could get fired."

"Only if we get caught," Adrian reasons with a mischievous smirk. "Orif you're too loud." Adrian leans over to my ear and whispers provocatively, "Can you be quiet, Cassie? Or will the entire office hear you scream?"

His words, although seductive and completely fucking melting, pull me out of his trance.Office. Work. Meeting. I lift my palms up to Adrian's chest and give him a slight push.

"What time is it?" I ask in a frenzied tone, looking around the room for a hanging clock.

Adrian smirks. "It's just past 10 am."

"Shit!" I straighten out my blouse, tucking it back into my pencil skirt. I run a frantic hand through my hair. "I'm late for my meeting!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Adrian says unapologetically like he knew he was fucking me over.

"I have to go," I state with an edge, walking to his door.What an asshole!A gorgeous, sinful, and forbidden asshole.

"Send Blake my regards," Adrian says coolly. "And Cassie?"

I turn my head over my shoulder, glowering at him. "What?"

"This conversation isn't over."

I narrow my eyes. "It is for me. Bye,MisterCavallero."

I walk out of his office slowly, trying to avoid drawing any attention to myself, pretending that I didn't just get manhandled by the firm's top attorney. This is insane.Heis insane. At work? He does that shit to me at work? I'm flabbergasted, astonished, and so goddamn turned on that I might have to change my panties.

Grabbing my notebook and a pen, I scurry down the hallway to meet Mr. Pearson, hoping that my face doesn't look as flush and flustered as it feels. I pass by Nancy's sad and empty office, the only thing on her desk is a box of tissues. She probably left it there for her replacement. I anticipate crying in the next ten minutes if Mr. Pearson reams me out for being late.

I knock timidly on his door, giving my outfit one more readjustment. "Mr. Pearson? It's uh—your new PA, Cassie."

"Come in," an even and apathetic voice calls out from inside.

My fingers coil around the brass knob and turn it slowly. The door creaks open, literally creaks. What is this? A horror movie? Am I the dumb blonde that dies first? I peek my head into the office before my reluctant body follows.

I blink a couple of times to take in my surroundings. Blake's office is huge. Like obscenely ginormous. Sleek black furniture, two couches, an armchair, and a coffee table. Floating shelves reside on the far wall with abstract glazed statues resting on the dark wood. Unlike Adrian's office, Blake doesn't have a bookshelf or any personal effects on his desk; just a computer, a phone, and neatly organized stacks of manila envelopes and folders.

"Please sit down, Miss Carrington. You're late," he notes, not looking up from his computer, his large back facing me. His shoulders must be twice the length of mine! He looks like he's ready to hulk out of his black suit any minute.

I take a seat in front of him and place my notepad on my lap. Blake types on his keyboard for a couple more seconds and then finally turns to face me. As soon as his gaze lands on my face, a flash of recognition spreads across his features, capturing his bemused and vividly crystal blue eyes. Blake chuckles softly, shaking his head and running a hand through his charcoal black hair.