Before I can even process what Nadine said, Kitty and David, both look over at me and in perfect unison say, "Cassie!"
My mouth drops. "Me? Why me? I'm new!" I make direct eye contact with Nadine, my eyes pleading. "I've only been here a week. Clearly, Kitty or David would be more suited for the role. I'm still getting the hang of being Mr. Cavallero's PA, I couldn't possibly work for Mr. Pearson as well."
Nadine purses her lips as she thinks, nodding her head. "Miss Carrington makes a valid point. You two do have far more experience. It would make the transition much easier."
"But!" Kitty exclaims, holding her index finger up high in the air. "Cassie has a degree in event management and Nancy was in charge of planning all of Mr. Pearson's meetings, I know for sure she wasn't finished planning Client Appreciation Night." Kitty turns her head towards me. "Events are way more up your alley, Cassie. David and I both havebusiness degrees. We don't know anything about coordinating events." Kitty turns back to Nadine. "C.A.N. is our biggest event of the year, not including our annual retreat, it makes sense for Cassie to take over, seeing as she's theprofessional."
Nadine hums, processing Kitty's annoying yet reasonable point. Kitty's explanation was borderline patronizing; I know she's fluffing my feathers because she doesn't want to work for Mr. Pearson, also referred to as Satan Himself and Dictator Pearson. All these negative stories have come from Kitty and David; I haven't actually heard anything bad about him from Nancy. Maybe he's not that bad.Maybe...this is a good thing.IfI work for Mr. Pearson that means I'll have to spend less time with Adrian, and it'll make the whole not sleeping with him thing so much easier. Yes. This is good. This is a blessing. This is the chastity gods offering me a gift. A gift of distance!
"Okay!" I exclaim. "I'll do it."
Kitty and David look at each other with disbelief, like I just signed my own death certificate.
"Well, then it's settled," Nadine says, shuffling some documents on her desk. "I'll inform Mr. Cavallero immediately, book you a 10 am meeting with Mr. Pearson,andwe will readjust your contract to reflect your new salary."
"Her what?" Kitty shrieks, wide-eyed. "She's getting a raise?"
Nadine tilts her head, her eyes glowing knowingly. "She'll have twice the amount of work to do. It's only fair she gets compensated accordingly." Nadine smiles at me. "I will email you your new temporary contract in the next hour."
Oh, shit! A raise?! No fucking way. This is fantastic. This means I can save more money and I won't have to find a new roomie. I could stay at the condo by myself after Monique leaves. I lift my head towards the ceiling.Thank you!
"Now that we have that sorted, you all can get back to work," Nadine says, gesturing towards the door. "Cassie, your meeting with Mr. Pearson is in fifteen minutes. He'll be expecting you."
"Thank you!" I smile and head to the kitchen. Kitty and David exit Nadine's office in a grumble. It's not my fault they threw me under a money train, thinking it was a bus. Oh...I wonder if I'll get to use Nancy's old office. Hasta la vista cubicle life, Cassie Carrington has a door! I saunter to the kitchen to get a cup of tea before my meeting with Mr. Aloof and Supposedly Scary.
When I get back to my desk I sit down and check my email and IMs. Mr. Pearson's email address is already linked to my Outlook account. Damn, IT works fast around here. As I'm taking a sip of my tea, my messenger app pings.
Adrian Cavallero: I need to see you in my office
Fuck. Nadine must have called him.
Cassandra Carrington: I have a meeting with Mr. Pearson at 10 am. Can this wait?
Adrian Cavallero: My office. Now.
I whimper into my scalding hot peppermint tea, my nervous eyes staring back at me. This is it. I can do this. I am strong. I am brave. Fiddling with my fingernails, I walk to Adrian's office and knock on his door.
Why are his shutters still closed?
I am fucked.
to catch a murderer
Adrian is sitting on the edge of his desk, arms crossed, sporting a dangerously intimidating look on his gorgeous face. I choose to stand twelve feet away from him, my back almost bumping against his extensive book collection. I tug at the hem of my skirt when I catch Adrian's gaze drifting down to my exposed thighs. I knew the sales associate was lying when she said this outfit was business casual. There is nothing casual about the way my boss is licking his lips and burrowing his fatally glowing eyes into mine.
Avert gaze. Avert gaze now. Do not get sucked in.
"You wanted to see me?" I mutter, lowering my head and admiring Adrian's sleek brown dress shoes. I don't trust myself to look at him right now, not when he hasthatlook on his face.
My eyes widen as the loafers begin walking towards me. I try to take a step back but there is no more room left behind me. With every stride, my heart rate accelerates until it feels like a damn hummingbird took up residence in my chest.
Stopping just inches away from my tensed-up body, Adrian lifts two fingers up to my chin, gently tilting my head up until my eyes meet his, an electric charge zaps down my spine.
"Youvolunteered?" Adrian asks, his tone strained and calculating, his gaze shifting between my eyes like he's trying to decipher a foreign code. He's talking about Mr. Pearson...right? I can't focus on what he's saying, or what he means, or anything except for the fact that I wish we were in a bedroom and not a goddamn office right now.
I nibble on my bottom lip absentmindedly, well aware that his long fingers are pushing back my hair, that my shameless body is reacting to his melting touch in ways that are thoroughly NSFW.