Page 26 of Company Ink

"Love you too!" Lucy calls out as I exit her home. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

I snort, closing the door behind me. What hasn't Lucy done? Sometimes I think Ness and I were swapped as children because I have way more Lucy in me than my dad, and vice versa. It's an actual possibility too, we're only a year apart. Could've happened. Sometimes I pray it did.



After two hours of primping and pampering myself, I finally manage to get out of the house and head to Mamba. Monique still hasn't come home since her birthday dinner with Matt. She texted me saying they'd meet us at the bar. In the last few months, Monique has been staying at Matt's more frequently which irritates the shit out of me. I despise being home alone. Maybe I'll have a word with Matt and tell him to stop hogging my bestie.

I jog down the street in my sexy yet oh-so-uncomfortable stilettos, having a pretend conversation with Matthew in my head.

I flash my ID to the bouncer and get a black 'M' stamped on my right wrist. Red and purple lights flash across my face, blaring Latin music vibrates through my body as I make my way to our usual table in the corner of the lounge area.

"Bitch! You're late!" Kai sings, wobbling as he stands up. "Where's Monique?"

"I'm sorry!" I whine, gesturing to my outfit. "This takes time to create!"

Axel comes around the table and twirls me around. "You look fucking hot, Cass."

Tonight, I decided to wear a black sequin skirt with a beaded fringe and a burgundy lace tube top. I love the way this skirt moves when I Salsa; makes me feel like a flapper from The Great Gatsby, granted a little sluttier but uh—still classy.I think.

"Thank you!" I gush, taking a seat on the black leather bar chair. I look over to Kai, who's swaying to the music. "Wait, did you say Monique's not here yet?" I check my phone. "She's thirty minutes late? That is so not Monique."

Kai shrugs, passing me a dark brown drink. "We thought she would be with you."

"No, she stayed at Matt's last night." I take a sip of his whiskey sour and scrunch up my face. "This issogross."

"Here." Axel passes me his glass. "Wash your mouth out with thisrefreshingvodka soda."

I giggle. "Bless you, my love." I swish the bubbly mixture around my mouth and exaggerate an exhale. "That's better."

Kai's eyes light up as he tilts his head to the side, peering over my shoulder. "Mon-Mon is here!" he sings.

I whip my head around to find Monique walking towards our table, hand in hand with Matt. Monique's wearing her iconic flowy white mini dress and chunky black heels. Matt looks like he always does, blue jeans and a t-shirt. I wonder if he has multiple pairs of the same pants or just washes them every other day. These are the types of questions that keep me up at night. Lingering behind them is a tall and trim blonde, sporting a lopsided smile and a navy and white checkered plaid shirt.

Kai, Axel, and I hop out of our seats and greet Monique and Matt, wishing her the happiest of birthdays. Hugging my best friend, I peer over her shoulder, catching Mr. Shaggy Blonde Hair's eyes.

"Who's the guy?" I whisper into Monique's ear. "And why's he here?"

Monique grins, lifting a knowing brow. "Everyone, this is Carson Tilford, he works with Matt at Archer Academy teaching Social Studies." She turns to Carson. "This is Kai, his boyfriend Axel, and theinfamousCassie." Oh no, I don't like her pushy tone. What did she do?

Carson says hello to the boys and then gives me an obvious once-over before extending his hand forward. "Nice to meet you, Cassie. I've heard tons about you."

I clench my teeth, smiling. "Really?" I side-eye Monique. She has some serious explaining to do. "I hope it was all good things."

"Definitely," he grins, showcasing his chemically whitened teeth.

"If you'll excuse me for a second, birthday girl and I need to do a shot at the bar." I slip past Carson and yank Monique's arm, dragging her to a small bar kiosk.

"Cassie, your nails are digging into my arm!" Monique whines.

"Shit, sorry! I forgot I have acrylic nails on." I let go of her wrist once we're several yards away from our table. "Okay, what was that?" I ask, crossing my arms. "Is this a setup? I think this is a set up."

"Okay, yes. It's a set up," Monique admits with a sigh. "But listen, Cass. Carson is single, cute, has a job, and I think you guys will get along.Plus!He's not your freaking boss."

I let out a frustrated scoff. "You know I hate it when you try to set me up, right? I can find men myself."

"I know you canfindmen, Cassie. It's the keeping them that's the problem," Monique retorts icily, like a frigid punch to the gut. Monique notices that I wince at her words and softens her tone. "I just don't want you to end up alone."