Page 17 of Company Ink

Monique is under the impression that Adrian is all talk and no action—that he won't actually cross the line with me. I've had a chance to read through the HR policy on sexual relationships in the workplace; the language was vague and full of jargon. But nowhere did it stipulate that colleagues can't have relations. It just stated that those uh –relations– need to be reported to HR immediately. Seeing as I don't plan on diving into a relationship with Adrian, legally, we're safe. So, my main question is: what'shishesitation?

The looming fear of saying something to offend the Chan's aside, I'm actually quite excited to see how Adrian operates outside the confines of the firm. Our conversations – omitting the incredibly stimulatingones in his office – have been primarily through email and our inter-office messaging system.

"Cassie, are you ready to go?" Adrian asks, standing beside my desk, dressed in a slim fitted dark burgundy suit. "We'll be taking my car."

"Ready as I'll ever be," I sigh, grabbing my purse off of the coat hanger situated behind the cubicles and looping it through my arm. "I'm a little bit nervous to be honest. I don't want to do anything to mess this up for you."

"You'll be fine." Adrian places a reassuring hand on the small of my back as he leads us to the elevator. The warmth of his touch burns through the thin mauve fabric of my blazer causing my face to flush. "Just stick to the talking points I emailed you last night and everything will be fine," he adds casually, knowing quite well what he's doing to me right now.

"Here's hoping," I whisper, calling the elevator. The doors open almost immediately, and we step inside. Adrian scans his fob and presses P2.

I keep my gaze fixated on the descending numbers in front of me and use all my mental prowess not to look over at Adrian. In such a confined space, who knows what could happen?

The elevator stops on the tenth floor and three heavy set accountants squeeze inside, forcing me to back up closer to Adrian. I tighten the grip around my handbag and close my eyes.

Like the bastard he is, Adrian decided to wear Versace Eros cologne today, which is the most rousing and sweetly masculine scent ever to hit the male perfume market—an intense and glowing combination of exotic vanilla, orange blossoms, and delicate mint leaves. I roll my eyes inwardly in frustration. He might as well be wearing a sign that says 'hello, I'm virile'.

We stop on two more floors, and three additional people pile into the already tight quarters.

Are you freaking kidding me?Was there a building-wide memo sent to everyone that said, 'go have lunch at half past noon'? By the seventh floor, my ass is pressed up against Adrian's thigh, his hot breath trickling down my neck, forcing a wave of goosebumps to manifest all over my traitorous body.

This is ridiculous.

To make matters worse, a bozo in a tweed jacket shifts his weight and accidentally steps on my toes which causes me to stumble to the side, grazing Adrian's pelvis in my wake. I swear I hear Adrian curse under his breath as I prop myself back into a standing position. A satisfied smile finds its way to my lips. At least we're both suffering.

Once all the catalysts of my current flustered demeanor exit on the lobby floor, Adrian, and I both spring to the opposite sides of the elevator like two polarizing magnets. I stare at the ground until we reach P2. The doors open and I march out of the demon cube feeling like I just spent forty-five seconds in a self-imposed torture chamber.

Taking a deep breath, I glower at my boss. "Next time, Mr. Cavallero," I huff with a tight smile. "We are taking the damn stairs."

Adrian's laugh echoes through the concrete parking lot. "I thought that was quite fun," he quips, raising a playful brow.

Narrowing my eyes, I take two purposeful strides towards him. "Oh, so now you want to have fun?" I coo, straightening out his tie. "I'll bear that in mind."

"You need to be careful, Cassie," Adrian warns me, but his tone lacks any conviction. "We're at work."

"Actually—" I twirl his tie around my finger, tugging it gently. "We're in a parking lot," I whisper, peering up at him through my thick lashes. Adrian's eyes flicker down to my parted lips and I immediately drop my hand, taking a step back. "So, which car is yours?"

If he thinks he can toy with me then he doesn't know the type of girl I am. Adrian clears his throat and points to a white Mercedes Cabriolet.

"You drive a convertible? You do realize that it rains over one hundred and fifty days of the year, right?"

Adrian shrugs, opening the passenger door for me. "That means I get to enjoy two hundred and fifteen days of driving with the top down."

"Wow," I chuckle, sliding into the burgundy leather interior. "That's some fast math."

"For some reason, I'm not surprised that I can impress you with basic subtraction," Adrian jokes cheekily, closing the door and hopping into the driver's side.


"Someone's a little sassy today," I comment, crossing my arms.

"Sassy?" Adrian laughs. "I don't think anyone has ever called me that before."

Once he push-starts the engine and the car roars to life, I cast him a sarcastic scowl. "Well, there's a first time for everything."

"Clearly," Adrian grins, pulling out of the parking lot. "But perhaps keep your observations to yourself when we meet the Chan's. I'm not sure they'll appreciate your honesty as much as I do."

"I'll try my best," I say, flipping down the sun visor and checking my reflection in the mirror. "But no promises."