Adrian raises an eyebrow, shock dancing around his irises. "How unfortunate," he smirks. "That must be incredibly frustrating."
To say the least.
"It is," I smile coyly. "But I'm sure I'll be able to remedy the situation in the near future."
"Really?" Adrian lets out a soft laugh. "You sound very confident, Cassie."
"It's because I am," I state boldly, knowing quite well that I'm digging my own grave.
Adrian licks his lips before shifting his attention back to Elsa. I gaze heavenward, shaking my head. How long does it take to fix a goddamn computer?!
After a few more uncomfortable minutes Adrian pulls away, motioning to the fixed desktop. "Alright, one problem solved," he says with a cunning smile. "One more to go."
I narrow my eyes. "What's the other problem?" I ask, confused.
Adrian squeezes my shoulder, my skin burning under his touch. "Your discomfort," he whispers before striding back to his office.
Did he just...
Fucking hell.
dangerous games
"How's the soup Ness?" I ask, watching my older cousin bring a trembling spoonful of tomato and basil goodness up to her lips. By the time it reaches her mouth, there's only half the amount left on her spoon. I don't know why Aunt Lucy doesn't just feed her, it's painful to watch Ness attempt to do this on her own.
I understand the need for Ness to be independent, but I can see the frustration in her eyes every time the soup spills out into her bowl. I should be used to this by now, but it still breaks my heart to see her like this.
"Does it taste good?" I add, almost forgetting that open-ended questions are too difficult for her to answer.
“Yes,” Ness says, nodding her head, a faint smile clipping her lips.
"I'm surprised you can still eat tomato soup. Remember when we were kids and we got sprayed by that family of skunks?" I look over at Lucy. "Youmade us sit in a bathtub full of tomato soup for hours."
Lucy laughs, her eyes crinkling at the memory. "And you bothstillreeked for days! Your father was so mad that he made you stay with us that whole week."
I cross my arms and side-eye Ness. "If my memory serves me correct, those skunks kept coming by becausesomeoneleft food out for them as if they were stray cats."
A sweet giggle escapes Ness's mouth. I wish I could be in her head, hear what she's thinking. Vanessa was so witty and smart, she still is, but it's hard for people to see that now. I'm amazed by her constant positive attitude. Despite what happened, despite the fact that all her plans got ruined, she still smiles and laughs, and there's still life in her eyes. Every time I'm with Ness I'm reminded that everything can change in a split second, that a fluke accident can put your entire life on a different trajectory, that your future, no matter how well planned out, is never guaranteed.
"So, Cassie," Lucy interrupts my thoughts. "Your father told me last week that he was going to take you fishing this weekend. Are you excited?"
"He called me a few days ago to cancel. He said that one of his old college buddies is in town and they've got plans to explore the city."
Lucy frowns, wiping the corner of her mouth with a napkin. "He canceled again?"
I shrug. "It's fine, I'm used to it. I don't even like fishing. It requires way too much patience, and he always makes me wear a bucket hat; it's just not my style." I try to laugh it off, my Dad always cancels our plans.
Lucy's forehead creases, her empathetic eyes meeting mine. "I can talk to him for you if you want."
I roll my eyes. "And say what? Spend time with your only daughter? Come on, Lucy. He's been like this since I was a kid. If he doesn't want to see me, I'm not going to force him. I'll see my parents for the 4th of July probably if they're still doing their annual barbeque."
Lucy reaches for my hand. "Honey, that's over a month away."
"I know." I pull my hand away and fiddle with my hair. The topic of my father is always an unwelcome one. I try not to dwell on it too hard; after years of him bailing on me, I got used to it. "It's okay, really. Monique's birthday is on Friday anyway. It's good that he canceled, this way I don't have to worry about being hungover on Saturday."
"Alright, if you say so," Lucy says, flagging a server down to get the check. "As for this work debacle of yours. Just don't do anything you'll regret."