Page 11 of Company Ink

It's not creepy that I know that it just shows I did my research. He'll appreciate that I did my due diligence. Even though I spent several hours browsing the website, my grasp on the actual day-to-day is lacking. I'm hoping he'll explain to me what exactly IP is without me blatantly having to ask.

"That's correct. I specialize in patent, copyright, and trademark law. Many of our clients are creatives, musicians, artists, and inventors. Our job is to ensure that the products of their intellect are protected under the law. Of course, we have several larger clients such as Sun Fire Technology, West Coast Bio Tech, and Olympia Records..." he trails off.

I try my damndest to listen to him as he drones on about the firm's clients and his day-to-day duties. I catch a little here and there, but I'm mostly focusing on the rhythmic bobbing of his Adam's apple and the melodic huskiness of his voice. Is it normal to be this affected by another person's presence? It's not like I'm drawn to his personality, I barely know the man, but he just exudes this undeniable sexual energy that even Mother Theresa would find irresistible.

"As for you Cassie," he says, snapping me out of my reverie. "Your job primarily will entail archiving documentation and handling my calendar. Of course, there will be some ad hoc duties such as planning meetings and events, some of which you'll be required to attend with me. The IT department has linked my email to your Outlook, that way you can forward the important ones on and handle the rest yourself."

What?! I shake my head, narrowing my eyes. Did I miss something? "How will I know which emails are important, and which ones aren't..." This is what you get for ogling instead of listening you stupid girl.

Adrian smiles softly, nodding towards the door. "Kitty will brief you on the protocols as well as give you a rundown of our electronic storage systems. You seem like a very competent and intelligent woman; I think you'll catch on quickly."

A coy grin spreads across my face. "I'm sure I will, Mr. Cavallero."

"Excellent," Adrian says, standing up and walking around his desk. "I have a conference call in ten minutes, but I'll check in on you in a few hours."

I lift myself up slowly and walk towards the door. "I'll see you later," I say, reaching for the doorknob.

Adrian hovers behind me, his body inches from mine. He extends his arms and twists the handle before I can reach it. "I look forward to working with you," he hums.

"Me too," I whisper, feeling his hot breath against my ear.

As soon as Adrian closes his office door I sprint to the washroom. Holy fucking shit. I grip the counter, staring at my reflection in the mirror. My pupils are dilated, and my stupid face is an annoying hue of pink. I take several deep breaths, hoping the color in my cheeks dissipate before I have to go and sit with Kitty.

I close my eyes, replaying our conversation in my head. 'I like a challenge.' Who says that? To their boss? On the first day?! In that suggestive tone?

Oh, Lord...

I have got to pull myself together. It's not like he's a god. He is just a man. A man that just so happens tolooklike a god, but a man, nonetheless. It's not like he has magical powers or anything. I can do this. I can fight these lustful urges. I'm not some weak little damsel. I'm Cassie motherfucking Carrington. And if I put my mind to something, I can do it.

That's right.

Mind over matter.

I will not have sex with my boss. I will not have sex with my boss.

I mumble my new mantra to myself as I wait for my heartbeat to slow down.

Images of Adrian's naked lithe body pressed up against mine pop into my head.


Okay, apparently the word sex and boss cannot be used in the same sentence.

New Mantra.

Keep it professional. Keep it professional.Keep itgoddamnprofessional.


lucky eve

By the time I get home, my head is pounding, and my eyes feel dry. I thank my lucky stars that Adrian never ended up checking in on me later in the day. He had an emergency client meeting and had to leave the office early. Honestly, I don't know how I'm supposed to survive the next six months working for a walking aphrodisiac.

Kitty and I spend five hours going over procedures and electronic systems. For such a bougie firm, one would think they'd have the latest technology. Their electronic filing system is something out of the early 2000s. In those short few hours of working, I learned that my job is basically to copy and paste a ton of shit from one folder to another. And the documents are never-ending. Kitty said that Mr. Pearson recently announced that they were going paperless, so every case the firm has handled needs to be digitized. I'm going to have to start wearing those blue light glasses I spontaneously bought on Amazon.

"So how was your first day?" Monique sings, muting our flat screen TV and twisting her body towards me. "Did you meet the infamous Adrian?"

"Yup." I slump down on the ottoman in front of her and slam my head against the couch, nuzzling my face into the throw blanket. "I met him, flirted with him, and undressed him with my eyes," I mutter shamefully.