"Of course, Cassie," he smiles. "I'll be right back."
I scroll through my phone as I wait for Adrian, the reality of everything setting in. I won't ever see Blake again. That was it. He had a chance to tell me how he felt. He chose not to say anything. That washischoice. It's done. It's over.
And I have Adrian.
And IlikeAdrian. I do. A lot actually. And now, that the games between us have stopped, he feels more real to me. More human. More kind. More caring. Boyfriend material. And I'm happy. I am.
My phone buzzes.
Kitty: Where da fuq are you? Nadine said you RESIGNED? CALL ME ASAP
Oh God, Kitty.
Cassie: I'll call you later. Busy rn
Kitty:??Cassifrass, I am pissed at you. What happened? Y u no tell me?
I laugh at my screen. She's insane. But I kind of love her.
Cassie: Long ass story. I'll call you in like an hour. PROMISE
Kitty: FINE. smh...
Cassie: one hour! You'll survive until then!
Kitty: yeah, we'll see! Ok. ttyl
I put my phone away as Adrian comes to the table with two cups of coffee and an assortment of goodies.
"Did you buyevery singlepastry?" I laugh. "This is way too much. Are you feeding a small village?"
Adrian places everything on the table and sits down. "I asked for the baker's favorite," he explains. "But it seems as though he doesn'thavea favorite, so I got one of each, plus two coffees."
I eye the steaming hot beverages. "Is this one decaf?" Damn it, I forgot to ask.
Adrian grins. "Of course."
"What, really?" I tilt my head. "It is?" I don't remember mentioning to Adrian that I don't drink regular coffee. "How did—"
Adrian shrugs. "I saw your Starbucks order a few times. It always said decaf on the label."
"Oh..." I take a sip of the coffee. "You're very observant."
Adrian chuckles. "Only about things I care about," he says warmly.
My body relaxes. He cares about me. He's saying it. He's showing me. He's not scared. He's not a coward. This feels right. Me and Adrian. Yes. This is good. This is what I want.
"So, I was thinking," Adrian begins. "With everything that's happened between us, we've never actually gone on a real date yet."
"You know what? I think you're right," I say coyly.
Adrian places his hand on my thigh, smirking. "So, how about it? Shall we paint the town red, Cariño?"
"What did you have in mind?" I ask, placing my hand atop of his. "What does a date with Adrian Cavallero look like?"
Adrian smirks. "You just wait and see."
"Friday?" I ask, leaning into his touch. Yes. This feels good. It feels right.