"Yeah, for sure." I laugh nervously, trying to avoid Monique's judgey gaze. "Okay, well, we should get inside. I'll call you tomorrow, Adrian."
Adrian takes a step towards me, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, planting a feather-light kiss on my lips. "Stop worrying, Cariño," he whispers. "Have a good night."
I bite my lip as I watch him get back into the cab and drive away. I feel like I just lived through ten seasons ofThe Young and The Restless, that's how emotionally drained I am...
Monique grabs one of my suitcases as we head inside. "So, looks like I missed a lot," she says, calling the elevator. "Care to tell me how the hellthathappened?"
I groan, closing my eyes. "I think we need alcohol for this conversation."
"Oh, Cassie," she sighs. "What did you do?"
Once we're inside our apartment, Monique darts straight to the kitchen, emerging with a bottle of wine and two glasses. "Okay, here's your booze. Now talk."
I pour myself a small glass and chug it, repeating this step three times. Then I start explaining to Monique everything that has happened over the past few months. Everything. Every detail. Every conversation. Every outing. Each kiss. Each touch. Each time Blake and Adrian have made my heart beat faster than recommended by the National Cardiac Society. I talk until my mouth is dry, my brain is hurting, and my lips stained red from the wine.
"Ho-ly fucking shit!" Monique exclaims, her deep brown eyes bulging out of her face. "Why didn't you tell me all of this before? How did I not know?"
I shrug. "You're never around anymore," I whisper. "And you're busy with the wedding. I just didn't want to bother you with everything."
Monique sets down her glass and frowns. "Cassie, you're my best friend. You can always call me, you know that." She sighs. "And I'm sorry I haven't been around. Everything's just been crazy lately. I'm sorry for not being here."
"It's okay, it's fine, I'm not mad," I say, genuinely smiling for the first time in hours. "I love you, Mon. I get it. You're here now and that's all that matters."
Monique swings her arms around my body and pulls me into a big, warm hug. "So, what're you going to do, Cass? Are you going to date Adrian? Or?"
"I guess so," I say, nibbling on the inside of my cheek. I can finally date Adrian. That's what I want. It is. "I just can't believe Blake fired me, why would he do that? It doesn't make sense."
"He told you toresign, it's different." Monique tilts her head. "It's better. It means that there won't be paperwork. HR won't know the reason you're leaving."
"So, he saved me from humiliation. How nice of him," I huff. "I can't believe he had the audacity to kiss me and then fire me! So stupid. I hate him."
"Honey...do youlikeBlake?" Monique asks softly. "You seem to be focusing more on him rather than Adrian, your uh—boyfriend."
"Oh my God," I whine. "You're right, you're right. What is wrong with me? Why do I keep thinking about Blake? Why, Monique, why?"
"Cassie, honey, I'm going to say something you might not like hearing," Monique begins, patting my back. "But maybe you're suddenly into Blake because you can't have him. You do this sometimes. Remember Sam? You chased him for months, pining after him, and when he finally agreed to date you, you said you weren't feeling it anymore. Maybe Adrian is your Sam."
"What? No!" I scoff. "That's not true. I like Adrian. I do, really, I do. He's—" I let out a deep exhale. "Adrian's everything I've ever wanted in a man. He's fun, he's charismatic, we have so much in common, did you know he went to Peru as well? Did I tell you that? He loves dancing and exotic food and he's...he's perfect."
"Then you should be happy, Cass," Monique says, pouring me another glass of wine. "You're dating him. He's yours. Forget about Blake."
I nod my head. "Okay, yeah, you're right. You're always right." I push my glass of wine away. "I don't want anymore." I get up and grab my laptop.
Monique narrows her eyes. "What're you doing, Cass?"
"Looking for a new job," I say, pulling up Monster. "Apparently, the world keeps on spinning."
a dash of salt
I fiddle with the folded-up piece of paper in my hand, lingering outside Pearson & Associates. I've never had to write a resignation letter before. Bless you, WikiHow. Even though I think it's unfair thatI'mthe one that needs to resign, despite the fact Adrian was equally involved in this shit show, I kind of get it. Adrian brings in a lot of business and I'm not actually gettingfired,but it feels like I am. God, this is fucked up.
It's 8 am, far too early for most of the staff to be clocked in, but I know Blake is here. Possibly Adrian.
My parents were thrilled to see me yesterday.Thrilled.My dad hugged me,again.This might just be something we do now. I helped them pack for most of the day while ignoring every message from Adrian. When I finally responded to him, he didn't seem angry. I told him I was busy, which I was, and that was that. We talked briefly on the phone about this damn letter and my day. And now I'm here, literally shaking in my boots (okay, they're wedges but the sentiment's the same).
I take a deep breath, making my way to Blake's office. I knock quietly, my palms sweating, my heart racing. "Blake?" I call out softly.