Page 3 of Sparks Still Fly

“I’m fine. I’d rather talk to you, anyway.”

Fuck. Nooooo! Why did you say that? Idiot.

I clear my throat in an attempt to delete that last comment. I know. It doesn’t work that way. “Where are you?”

He clicks his tongue. “Can’t tell you that, sunshine. But it’s really hot and dry here.”

Sunshine? Did he just nickname me? Is it like a cute, flirty thing or a sisterly thing?

I can’t think about it, and I don’t want to ask him about his deployment. I’m sure he doesn’t want to talk about that. He needs to think about happy things, so I naturally ask about the thing that always cheers me up.

“Do you ever watch The Office? I don’t mean while you’re deployed, but like when you’re home?” I haven’t a clue where this is going.

“Yeah, I love that show. And we watch it here sometimes.” He shrugs, a small smile playing on his lips. “But we are talking about the American version, yeah?”

“Oh, god, yes. Of course. I mean, I love Ricky Gervais, but Steve Carell is a comedic genius.” His smile widens. “I’m sad the show’s ended, but I feel like I’ll rewatch it over and over, you know? It just feels like one of those shows you never get sick of.”

He keeps looking at me, smile still on his face, head still slightly cocked.

“The episode where Jim dressed up like Dwight has to be one of my favorites.” I clear my throat and deepen my voice. ‘Fact: Bears eat beets.’”

I pause, and when I get going again, I can’t hide the delight on my face as we say in unison, “‘Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.’”

We both burst into laughter. I will quote every single line from this show if it gets him to laugh like this again. He looks so... light. Free. Nothing like the serious and stern guy I first met. Elaina has said that he makes a terrible first impression because he’s not super friendly to strangers, but that once he warms up to a person, he’s a big teddy bear, and maybe I’m starting to see that.

We’re both nearly recovered, and he looks like he’s about to say something when he looks off to the side, the smile immediately erased from his handsome face.

“Sorry, Maeve, I have to get going. But, uh...thanks. For staying and talking to me.”

“Don’t mention it.” We’re both quiet and unmoving, staring. He’s completely still, and it seems as if the video is frozen, so I say the thing at the forefront of my mind.

“Please stay safe.” Then I kiss my fingertips and touch them to the screen, where his lips are. I hit the red button to end the call, and half a second before the screen goes black, his eyes move to the camera, so it’s as if he’s looking right at me. My stomach dips faster than The Tower of Terror ride, and I clutch my chest in actual horror. “Noooo!”

Did he see me do that? After he saw me shake my uncoordinated arse all over the living room? After I sat here like a sweaty beast talking about a TV show? Did he see me do the kiss thing?

Charlie runs into the room with a giant textbook in her hands, holding it like a baseball bat, though I’m certain she wouldn’t know the difference between a bat and a lacrosse stick.

“Get off her, you filthy beast!” I swear, ever since Charlotte saw her first NYC rat while leaving the subway, she’s convinced they’re out to get us.

“There’s no rat, Char. Just a giant wanker.” I close the laptop and walk toward the bathroom. I desperately need a shower and to forget whatever that was that just happened.

I hardly hear Charlie’s “Ew! What? Why? Where? When? And whose?” She really just gave me the 5 W’s. I cannot with this girl.

“It’s me, Char. I’m the wanker!” I slam the bathroom door before she can reach it and immediately turn on the shower, drowning out the noise, but not the visions of two wide green eyes staring right into me.


tell me something good.


october, 10 years ago

It’s been months since I visited Lainey in New York, and tonight, I’m keeping her company while she eats dinner with her roommates. Virtually, of course, since I’m still deployed.

Charlie is just offscreen, but Maeve is sitting next to my sister, somehow making eating a greasy pizza look borderline pornographic.

She keeps tucking her hair behind her ear, but it’s no use. It just doesn’t want to stay put, and every time her hand reaches up, I want to stop the movement and be the one to run my fingers through her hair. It’s so shiny, and the color reminds me of the sand on the beach in the middle of a summer day.