Page 37 of Sparks Still Fly

“Don’t try to pull at my heartstrings now, Owen. There aren’t any left for you.” Her blue eyes are red-rimmed, and I hate that I did that. I caused that. Today, and so many other times all those years ago.

“I know. I don’t expect anything. Just know that one day, when I’m ready... When you’re ready... I’ll tell you. Please.” I half expect her to tell me to fuck off again, for her to pack her shit and leave.

“I need time to just... think.” Another tear falls down her cheek, and she wipes it away angrily.

“Yeah. Of course.” I shove my hands in my pockets to keep myself from hugging her again. “See you tomorrow, then?”

She nods and turns, walking into the house as I stand there staring at the door, wondering if I’ve just made another huge mistake. It feels like I just can’t figure out the right thing to do with Maeve.

As if the universe knows I haven’t had enough bullshit for one day, my phone buzzes in my back pocket, and I take a deep breath before accepting the call from my lawyer.

I didn’t see Maeve the next day. Or the day after that. I used that time to prepare Julia’s room with the things that have been arriving for her, and I’m glad I’ve had something to do other than dwell on not seeing Maeve. Not talking to her. Lainey’s coming over today though, so maybe this is my chance.

A minute after I hear the gate opening, my sister’s laughter floats in through the front door, the pitter patter of Frankie’s paws and Adam’s deep voice behind them.

“We’re here,” he shouts. “In case we didn’t make enough noise on the way in.”

“More like ‘in case you didn’t already spy on us with your ten thousand cameras everywhere.’” Lainey’s giggle is immediate, and I wait a few extra seconds before making my way to them, knowing they’re likely in some sort of cutesy couple embrace I don’t need to see right now.

I walk toward the sound of Frankie’s bark, and when I turn the corner, I’m met with a strong set of arms around my torso.

“Hey, Lainey Bananey.” I hug her back, and as if sensing something is off, she pulls back and looks up at me.

“You okay, big bro?” Her eyebrows furrow, and I give her a nod with a smile that hopefully looks reassuring and not manic.

Adam lays a hand on my shoulder with a squeeze. “Where can I leave the muffins?”

I chuckle as I point toward the kitchen. Of course Lainey baked more muffins. Not just for me, for Maeve, too.


The thought seems to summon her as she knocks on the door twice and walks in, peering around the door. My sister rushes to her, also hugging her tightly, then asking her the same question she just asked me, replacing big bro with bestie. I take in her yellow sundress and the braid in her hair, the white sandals and the pink polish on her toes. She gently toes off her shoes, taking a couple of deep breaths as she does.

I drink in every drop of her as if I haven’t already memorized every inch of her. The curve of her waist. The gentle sway of her hips as she walks. Her delicate fingers brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Each detail calls to me, beckoning me closer until I’m consumed by the desire to touch, to be near, to surround myself with her.

My feet carry me closer to her without my knowledge, and when I look up, she’s standing right in front of me. My heart races, and I stand there speechless as if my feet are glued to the floor.

Her eyes scan over my features, but they never quite reach my eyes.

“Hello, Owen.” She walks around me swiftly, leaving behind the usual smell of lavender I’ve never been able to figure out, despite buying dozens of bottles of lavender shampoo over the years.

“So, uh, how’s married life?” Adam’s smile is so genuine, it’s hard to be mad at him, yet I feel the scowl forming on my face. Unfortunately for him, Maeve is not in a question answering mood, and she turns quickly toward the kitchen without answering him.

“Do I smell muffins, Bon?” Maeve darts toward the container, popping the top off and taking a deep breath. She’s always done this thing where she smells her food. It’s adorably weird.

Better shut out all thoughts of Maeve being adorable now, asshole. She hates you.

“Yeah, I made both your favorites. Adam, could you please help me get something from the car?” Lainey takes Adam’s hand and drags him out of the kitchen. I can hear her whispering something to him as they speed walk to the door. I take a deep breath when I hear it shut.

“We’re gonna have to get better at this, Maevey.” Her shoulders stiffen, and she slowly turns to face me. There’s nothing but disdain and sadness painted in bold strokes across her features.

Letting out another sigh, I face her. “They’re not gonna come back until either we go get them or they hear yelling. So, if you want to let out whatever’s in your head, I’m gonna suggest you do so quietly.”

“Fuck. You.” The words cut through me like a sharpened knife, but it’s nothing compared to the icy contempt that’s etched on her face. Her eyes are narrowed and cold, her lips down-turned in disgust, and her jaw is tight with her barely contained anger.

“Maevey, please, I–” She bolts from the room as if it’s on fire, her bare feet slapping against the hardwood floor. Her hurried steps and trembling hands make it clear that she’s desperate to flee the conversation and me.

“You can come back now. I know you didn’t forget anything, Bon!” Seconds later, I hear the door close again and their hushed voices. I walk out of the kitchen and into the living room where the three of them are standing.