Page 32 of Sparks Still Fly

“And we can’t have that, Owen. Not when it could cost you your friend’s baby girl.” I stiffen at the mention of Julia. We haven’t talked about her. She catches the movement and lets out a soft sigh. “The social worker is going to assume we know how to spend five minutes having a conversation without one of us freezing up or talking over one another.”

I look down at my cup to avoid watching her as she brings a piece of muffin to her lips. I know she’s going to lick the crumbs off her bottom lip, and I can’t handle that right now. I count to fifteen and look up, hoping it’s enough time. When I do, I see her staring me down, waiting for my response.

“What’s the point you’re trying to make, Maeve?” My grouchy voice makes the edges of her lips twitch as her smile tries to break free. She doesn’t let it.

“I think we should spend more time together.” My eyebrows push their way up my forehead. How does she think us spending more time together is going to help?

“Hear me out,” she goes on. “You don’t seem to be working all that much anymore, and we’re going to have to be seen together. We need to be convincing.” She looks down at her muffin, which is nearly falling apart, and finally bites into it.

My eyes track the movement as she licks a crumb off her lip.

Fuck, can she just stop licking her lips already?

“We should get used to being around one another without our friends as buffers. Because I might be able to pull out my acting skills when we’re being watched, but I’m not as confident in your abilities.” She looks up at me, then says, “No offense.”

I chuckle but nod my head—because she’s right.

“They’ll know something’s up if you look like you’re scared to touch me. And, I mean, we’re sort of stuck with one another anyway. Even after this marriage ends. We have Elaina, and she doesn’t deserve us acting like a pair of twats.” She lowers her eyes, brows bunching together at the mention of my sister.

“Yeah. You’re right. Lainey deserves better.” When she puts it that way, it solidifies two things for me. One, I’m a selfish prick. I’ve only been thinking of myself with this whole thing. I haven't even considered my sister. Two, Maeve really wants nothing to do with me outside of her loyalty to my sister, and her agreement to help me while this guardianship hasn’t been finalized.

I see it clear as day now. I needed this bucket of cold water dumped on me.

“So how about we go for a walk later? I haven’t seen the property yet, and I don’t want to go alone because I’ll likely get myself rather lost.” She shrugs, and I’m sure it’s hard for her to admit she wouldn’t be able to get back here if she went off on her own.

“Sure. Yeah, I can show you the stable if you want.” The first reason I bought this house.

“Stable? You have a stable? How come we can’t see it from here?” She’s doing a terrible job hiding her excitement.

“Yeah. This used to be two separate properties, so there’s a whole other house near the stable. The guy who takes care of the horses lives there.”

“Horses?” Her voice cracks, and I can’t help the laugh that slips through.

“Did you think the stable was empty?” I allow myself another laugh at the incredulous look on her face.

“Well, I don’t know. I’m still trying to get over the fact that there is one. That there are real, living horses in it is a surprise I wasn’t prepared for!” Maeve told me one of her stepdads had horses, so she spent a few years around them until her mum divorced him. She always said being around horses made her happy.

“Real, living horses. There might even be one or two calm enough for you to ride.” That gets her to stand up and start clearing the food dishes off the island.

“Can we go right now?” She turns around from her spot at the sink. I stand too, picking up our plates and cups. “I mean, it’s all right if you’re busy. I don’t want to assume you’re free right now. I just?—”

“We can go right now. I’ll just text Arthur and let him know we’re coming.” I set the plates on the counter and pull out my phone. She quickly takes them and places them in the sink as I send the message. I know he won’t mind me coming down, so I don’t wait for a response.

“I’ll help you wash these before we go,” she says. Without thinking, I reach around her to turn the tap on. At the same time, she bends to grab the dish sponge and soap, and as she does, her ass bumps directly into my crotch. I jump back, and she straightens quickly, trying to move away, but she loses her balance, knocking her knee on the cabinet door. To keep her from toppling over, I grab her hips, but she startles again and tries to jump away from me, slipping on the floor. I wrap my arm around her waist to keep her standing, pulling her into my body.

Her back is flush against my front, my right hand splayed on her abdomen, the left holding on to the countertop. She lets out a relieved sigh, likely out of gratitude that her ass isn’t on the floor, and her head rolls back to rest on my shoulder.

We could stay just like this, with the scent of her shampoo surrounding me, her body flush with mine, our breaths quick and hot. But I know we can’t.

“Okay?” And that question has her head jerking forward as she pushes away from me. I step back to give her space, to give myself space.

She doesn’t want this. Never forget that.

“I’m going to get my phone from the guesthouse. I can come back and do the dishes later.” She doesn’t look at me before she walks away toward the door.

I change out of my workout shorts and into jeans, then head back to the kitchen to load the dishwasher. When Maeve walks back into the kitchen, I’m just rinsing the last plate.

“Oh. Thanks. Should we go, then?” She turns away from me again, walking toward the door. I catch up to her quickly, taking her wrist gently to stop her from leaving.