We both jump up at the sound of… my alarm going off. “Fucking shit on a stick!” I grab for my phone to turn the agonizing noise off and when I turn back around I feel the bed shaking with Adam’s silent laughter.
“I love your foul mouth, you know that?” He pins a chaste kiss on my lips and gets up off the bed. “Come on, Tornerose. I know you don’t want to be late for what we’re doing today.” He puts both hands out to help me up. “It’s just you and me until the rehearsal dinner tonight. Is that OK?”
Standing in front of him with so much of our bodies touching, the moment hardly feels real. “That’s perfect.” I smile up at him, biting my bottom lip to keep the excited squeal building up inside me from escaping.
We move around one another with unpracticed ease just like we do at home in the kitchen. Except now we’re stealing affectionate touches as we pass one another on the way in or out of the bathroom and we brush our teeth side-by-side. It’s a level of intimacy I haven’t shared with anyone, ever. My stomach swirls at the thought and I quickly push the funny feeling down, allowing myself to just feel joy and remain present here, with this dreamy, beautiful man.
Our day is nothing short of magical. We spend it on a boat, have a beach picnic for lunch and swim together where we steal a few steamy kisses. By mid-afternoon, we’re so spent from the time in the sun that we crash, and nap all tangled up in one another. We wake up a heap of sweating bodies, but smiling and content. Adam chats with Ori, the boat captain, for a while and when we leave he promises we’ll come back one day. Ori invites us to not only come back but to have dinner with his wife and two kids. I smile at the sight of Adam’s easy demeanor and friendliness. It’s hard to believe he’s the same guy who had kept people at arm’s length until recently. He’s made every effort to learn people’s names, talk to them and make actual eye contact. I take no credit for it, nor do I want to think it’s because of anything I’ve said and done. It just feels nice to experience this new openness in him, especially after understanding a bit more of why he’s been so mistrusting.
Back in our room, we have more of that easygoing feel from earlier. We laugh when we bump into one another, and I keep the mystery alive by getting changed in the bathroom again. When I emerge, I nearly gasp at the pornographic sight of him in a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. What the fuck is it about forearms?
He’s sitting on the edge of the bed and when he looks up, I cover up my drooling face by doing a little twirl for him. “Is this OK?”
The blush fabric of my dress is silky and falls in graceful swoops, the neckline low and the back scooped even lower, barely skimming my waist. I didn’t bother with a bra; no one will be able to tell, anyway. The skirt of the dress hits mid-thigh and I have to keep my hands tightened into fists to keep from tugging it down. Taylor talked me into packing it, though I'm slightly unsure about it now, seeing Adam's eyes widen. My hair is secured into a low bun at the nape of my neck, wisps falling against my cheeks. The heeled sandals that complete the outfit are tan and reach the middle of my calf.
“Christ almighty, Lainey.” He rubs both of his hands up and down his face, snatches the room key from the dresser, takes my hand, and walks out the door. “You have everything you need?” He asks this even though we’re already out in the hallway and I nod. “Good, because I can’t be trusted in a room alone with you when you look like that.” He looks at me from chest to thighs and I bite my bottom lip, reminding myself to thank Taylor when I get home. As we wait for the elevator, he leans down and puts his lips to my ear. “You look good enough to eat, beauty. And I bet you taste like fucking strawberries.” Goosebumps travel from my neck down to my ankles, and I have to squeeze my thighs together to keep the pulsating feelings down below at bay. Whoa! Obviously any concern I might have had that celibacy messed with Adam’s game is completely obliterated! I’m grateful for the young family sharing the elevator down with us because we might have gotten arrested for indecent exposure otherwise.
By the time we’re walking into the restaurant, we’ve both settled down slightly, but he keeps his hand on me with those little circles on my lower back, making me shiver even though it’s Hawaii and notably warm. Tonight, we’re seated with four of his cousins, three guys and a girl. I don’t remember any of their names and none of them hold it against me.
“So, I thought this was a rehearsal dinner. Don’t you need to rehearse something?” I lean into Adam, genuinely confused.
“Yeah, they did all of that already. I didn’t need to be there since I’m not doing anything for the ceremony, just at the reception. No need for me to rehearse.” He looks down at me as he places his napkin on his lap.
“Of course, the Hollywood megastar doesn’t need a rehearsal.” I wink at him and grab my napkin as dinner is about to be served.
When the first course is served, Adam places his left hand on my knee. His thumb traces some imaginary pattern that sends a delightful shiver up my spine. When the main course arrives, his hand moves up further so that it’s at the hem of my dress and his fingers graze my inner thigh. Thank god the tablecloth keeps his wandering hands hidden.
“How’s your pasta, L?” He moves his fingers in lazy circles on my inner thigh, pulling it closer to him so my legs spread further apart. “Do you like it?” I know he’s not talking about the food. I can tell by the little gleam in his eyes. I nod my response and his grin is nearly wolfish. “Do you want more?” he asks loud enough for only me to hear. I nod again and his hand travels up, until it’s under the hem of my already short dress.
The moment the dessert plate touches the table, he grazes the lace of my underwear. I let out a moan, which I cover with a cough, and I see the smug smirk on Adam’s face. “You alright, L?” Of course, he feigns concern, taking the opportunity to sweep his knuckles up and down my center. My knee jerks up so fast I’m afraid I’ll knock something over. I can feel my face flush and I excuse myself, rushing to the ladies’ room.
what do you want?
I’m in there no longer than 30 seconds, bracing myself on the sink when I hear a soft knock on the door. “Lainey, it’s me. Are you OK?” I open the door and his eyes are dark, brows furrowed in concern. “I’m so sorry. I-I-I shouldn’t have pushed. I thought you liked it, I—”
I grab a fistful of his shirt and pull him inside, locking the door and backing myself up against the sink as I pull him towards me. My mouth goes for his neck first, licking and biting its way up to his mouth which now tastes like cheesecake since he obviously managed to get a bite of dessert in before coming here.
“I liked it,” I whisper as I bring my leg up around his hip and arch into him looking for the friction my body needs right now. He grabs a handful of my ass, lifting me onto the sink and grinding onto me. I feel his hardness and whimper at the contact.
“Fuck, Elaina.” We simultaneously moan or groan or both and his other hand feels its way up my ribs, his index finger and thumb pinching my nipple lightly through my dress. I gasp into his mouth. A warm feeling spreads from my abdomen up to my chest and I start to feel that familiar ache right before the blissful release, so I arch my body to get closer to him, but that’s when he starts to pull away slowly, putting space between us.
No, no, no! I was getting so close!
“You were close?” Fuck, I guess I said that out loud. Adam’s hands go to my waist and his eyes dart all over my face.
I sigh, an exasperated sound. “I-I think so. I don’t know. It hasn’t happened in so long, but if that was too much for you, it’s OK. I’m sorry.” I hide my face in my hands and feel his strong arms wrap around me.
“Hey…none of that. Obviously, I moved too fast and I'm sorry. All I wanted was to make you feel good. No pressure for anything else, OK?” His hands are soothing as he runs them up and down my back and he kisses the top of my head.
I look up at him, still embarrassed but willing to let him see me in this vulnerable moment. “It wasn't too fast. I want this...I want this with you." Her cheeks flush, but she continues. "You did make me feel good. You do. All the time, but that just now and the stuff at the dinner table… that was… really, really good.” My cheeks grow warmer still as I tilt my head up and smile, meeting his eyes. I hope he can see the appreciation in my eyes and the affection I feel for him in this moment.
He smiles back, a radiant grin he doesn’t seem able to contain splaying across his face. “Good. Because it was really, really good for me, too.” He kisses my lips and cradles my face in his hands. “You have no idea what you do to me, Elaina.” We stay silent for a few seconds, our breaths blending together, warm and sweet. Our foreheads touch and the world slows down around us. “I’m gonna go out there but you take your time, OK?” I nod, and he closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. He adjusts his pants quickly, kisses my cheek and slips out of the bathroom. I stand in front of the mirror fixing my dress as I take in the reflection before me. When was the last time I felt this turned on by a man? Looking at my own face now, cheeks flushed and lips swollen, I hardly recognize this woman and the feeling is oddly freeing, not terrifying, as I would have expected.