The next three days go by so slowly. Lainey called me again two nights ago. We talked for hours about everything from our childhoods to our favorite TV shows. She told me about the recipes she tried with her mom, and it felt so good to just listen to her sounding so happy. It’s so easy with her, but I’m worried about what will happen when she realizes I’m her best friend’s co-star. That I withheld a lot of information about who I am. We haven’t known one another long, but I don’t like the idea of starting a… whatever this is… this way.
It’s now Friday and after a week from hell, I’m glad to be landing in London with Raf, who slept peacefully the entire flight here.
Maeve is here already and having us over for a big dinner at the place she’s renting. We’re all staying in the same building during filming, and I keep wondering if Lainey is going to stay there as well when she gets to London in a few days. I feel this weird pang in my chest at the thought of her. The uncertainty of what will happen is really getting to me.
Raf has respected my need to be silent until the moment we get into our car.
“OK, man. I gave you the entire flight to think through whatever shit you have going on. I even forced myself to sleep, but now it’s time to talk.” He’s serious. Raf is rarely serious and because he knows me better than anyone, he knows I’ve been sulking. “Is it the shit with Sandra and your fake girlfriend? Did she find you someone?” Sandra, the well-meaning motherly figure who has been my publicist for years, is convinced I need a fake relationship to cool the tabloids’ speculations about me and the mystery of why I’m never seen dating anyone. Heaven forbid a person has some privacy.
I let out a deep breath. “No, it’s not that. I mean, it is that because it’s bullshit and I don’t need a fake fucking girlfriend, but it’s not just that.”
“Yeah, what you need is a real fucking girlfriend and to get laid. You should really use that pretty face and your celebrity status to get yourself some. It might be just what you need after what’s-her-face fucked you up this bad.” He’s looking at me and gauging my response. I know it. We never bring up Tiffany, the woman who nearly ruined me in more ways than one. So much so that I’ve been celibate since we were together. Just the thought of being with another woman has brought up so much anxiety, and no one I’ve met since has felt like they’d be worth it.
“You know that’s not gonna happen. But I met someone. Well, sort of.” Here we go. It’s time to tell him about Lainey. I haven’t said a word about her to anyone, and I’m not sure if he knows her or not, given that he has worked with Maeve occasionally and they’re also friends.
“When? When did you meet someone?” Shit. He’s onto me. He knows I go nowhere, avoid talking to people, and he’s been with me the entire time we were in New York. I can tell by his tone and that one elevated eyebrow that he knows this didn’t just happen, and I kept it from him.
“Uhhh, New Year’s Eve, actually. But we’re just friends. I can’t really do more than that right now. Even if Sandra would love the idea.” I scratch my forehead and look down, thinking about how much I wish I could just be Adam forever with L and ignore all the other garbage. I love my career, but this glimpse of a normal relationship has been really nice. It’s not real though.
“When did you have time to meet someone? You were at that party for all of half an hour before you took off. She must have been hot if she made that much of an impression.” He’s turned his body and I know he’s picking apart every movement of my face, every part of my body language.
“You know, it’s not all about how someone looks, Raf. Maybe she just had a really great personality.” He laughs loudly, throwing his head back. Asshole.
“Dude, you know what ‘a nice personality’ is code for and I have never seen you with a chick that wasn’t either a model or looked like she could be one. Even if it has been a while. So, spill it.” He’s right. But Lainey is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Somehow, luck is on my side and the car comes to a stop just as he’s about to keep asking me questions.
“You know this isn’t over. I want to hear about this girl. You haven’t even bothered to learn a woman’s name since Tiffany and that was five years ago, man. Obviously, this means something to you.” He puts one hand on my shoulder and squeezes, letting me know, all joking aside, he gets that this is kind of a big deal.
I try to put everything off my mind, willing myself to take this all one day at a time. For now, I’ll keep my phone off and enjoy dinner. Hopefully, the jet lag and lack of sleep on the flight means I’ll get some rest tonight.
Raf and I go through security, and as soon as the elevator door closes, he turns to me, elbowing me in the ribs. “Does she have a nice ass? I know you’re an ass man, A. That’s gotta be what hooked you, right?” He laughs, shaking his head.
“OK, Raf. You get this one thing and nothing else. Yes, she has a fantastic ass. Like unreal. Round and full. Fucking flawless.” Raf is right. I’m an ass man, and Lainey’s happens to be perfect.
He laughs again. “I knew it.”
We knock on the apartment door, and Charlie opens it to let us in. She frowns openly at Raf and gives me a small smile with a quick hello. We walk in and the smell immediately makes me glad I came.
“Oh my god, it smells amazing in here. What’s for dinner?” Then I hear the unmistakable sound of joyful laughter. Her laughter. It’s Lainey.
wait…who are you?
I gasp. “Oh, my god. Adam?” I step out of the kitchen and into the hallway. “Adam?” And when our eyes meet, I know without a doubt that it’s him. I take off running, the world blurring as my feet pound the ground. When I reach him, I leap into the air, wrapping my arms around his neck. He catches me, pulling me close, and I'm hit with a wave of adrenaline so strong it's almost overwhelming. Joy rushes through my veins like a raging river, making me laugh out loud as it slams into my heart and lungs.
My eyes are closed, and I savor the warmth of his breath as his lips brush against my ear. “Lainey,” he whispers, and I feel his arms tighten around me like a cocoon. His embrace is strong and gentle at the same time, and I want time to stand still at this moment.
“Oh my god, it’s you. It’s really you. I’d know your voice anywhere. And your smell. You smell just like… like you.” I’m still laughing and in complete disbelief as Adam sets me down when I feel a gentle tug on my shoulder and turn to find Raf behind me. His face is scrunched up in worry. He steps forward, the sound of his throat clearing loud in the sudden silence, and wraps his arms around me for a brief moment. His eyes dart between Adam and me and he gives me a sideways glance before fully releasing me.
“Looks like I don’t need to introduce you two. I’m uh… gonna give you a minute. Let me know if I can do anything in the kitchen, baby girl.” He stands there with his hands in his pockets, glowering at Adam. He looks mad. And Rafael is a scary dude when he’s mad.
“Oh. Yeah. Thanks, Raffy. Uh, everything’s done. I just need to open up some more wine and we’ll wait for Maeve so we can eat.”
Raf smiles warmly at me and nods once. “I got it.” When he looks back at Adam his stare turns ice cold. He walks away and I’m left feeling thoroughly confused by what just happened between the two of them. Without casting another glance at Adam, I walk into the den and motion for him to follow me. He shuts the door and when he turns around, I nearly trip over my own feet. I know that face. I know his face. Everyone knows his face because he’s a fucking movie star.
Holy fucking shit!
“River?” I choke out. He looks distressed, and his eyes are wide, locked on mine. I hadn’t inspected his face until right now. “What is happening? You told me your name was Adam. Are you Adam? Or are you River?”