Page 77 of Lost Love Found

Maeve and I are about to shoot our last scene together and it's an emotional one. It’s set several years prior to the timeline of the rest of the movie so we’ve had to change our appearances slightly.

Raf and I stand in my dressing room, our eyes meeting in the mirror. I run my hands through my freshly cut hair, shorter than it's been in months. My face is now absent of the beard I’d grown over those same months. Beneath the harsh white lights, my face feels exposed and vulnerable.

“Your face is back!” Raf walks toward me and grabs my cheeks in his hands. “Look at this pretty mug! I missed it!”

“Dude, if you kiss me right now, I will punch you so hard.” I break away from his freakishly powerful grip on my face as he laughs.

“How you holding up, man? It’s almost over. What is it now, day 12?” He knows I’ve been counting the days until shooting is done. Counting the days since Elaina left. Counting the days until I can leave LA and see her if I ever work up the nerve to do it.

“Eleven, actually. And I’m… fine.” He shoots me a look that says he’s not convinced. Someone walks toward us and lets me know we have to get going. “I’ll see you soon. Let’s have a drink once we’re both off the clock.”

“You got it.” He hits me on the shoulder as I walk past him. That fucker is exactly as strong as he looks.

After endless comments on my cleanly shaven face and four hours of shooting, we’re done. I shouldn’t be needed on set for anything else. Finally, I can finish my project at Elaina’s house.

“River!” I hear Maeve’s voice calling out behind me and I stop in my tracks. Since Elaina had gone to stay with her mom, conversations between us have been brief and infrequent. Ourtalksonlymeander through the occasionalcheck-in with one another, like passing information between us on behalf of our mutual friend.

“Before you go, I wanted to have a chat with you.” Maeve has a tight line around her lips, her hands are white-knuckled as they grip each other in front of her. "Has Elaina told you anything about going to Betty's?" I shake my head in response. “Well, it’s happening in a couple of days. She hasn’t been back there since Andy died, but the diner and Betty were really special to her. She put it on her list and set a date to make sure it would get done. You know how she is…”

She smiles up at me and I smile back, thinking of Elaina nervously adding this to her list. “Anyway, we’re all going. It’s a surprise, but we’re all going to be there to support her, so she doesn’t have to do this alone.” I nod in understanding. They’re doing the right thing. She would never ask for this, but it will mean the world to her. “Owen was the first to suggest it, and we all agreed that you should be there.” My gaze locks with hers, and I can see the hesitation in her smile. “Will you come?”

I pause for a few seconds, my stomach in knots. I want to be there for her. “Yes. Of course. Yes.”

“It’s just… you should be prepared. She might not be ready. But we know that your presence would mean everything to her.” Right. She might not be ready to see me. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what might come, and reply, "I understand. I’m still coming." I scratch the back of my head and let out a long breath. I can’t think about her reaction, only about the fact that I know I need to be there for her. “When do we leave?” She smiles brightly now, almost hopefully.

“Two days from now. I’ll text you details later.”

“Great. I guess I’ll see you in a couple of days, then.” My knees feel weak and my heart races as Maeve starts to leave. I manage to choke out, “Hey, Maeve?” She paused and slowly turned to face me, the corners of her lips held in a tight line. “Thank you,” I say, my voice barely a whisper. Her eyes soften, and she gives me a single nod before turning away again.

I hurry back to Elaina’s house. I have a lot of work to do.


why are you here?


Days go by and I’m essentially a zombie. My mom tries to get me outside every day, so we go for a walk around the block, but beyond that, I’m laying on the couch or in my bed. I’m pretty sure she’s getting sick of my bullshit. Maeve and Charlie call me every day. Raf and Owen text. Adam seems to be giving me space, which I know I asked for, but I look for his name to pop up on my phone every day. I asked him to stay at my house. I wouldn’t be OK with him having to look for a new place to stay while he finishes shooting. I stare at that last message as new tears pool in my eyes.


OK baby. I love you.

It’s been 9 days since he said those words to me in person and I can’t fight the urge to text him anymore. I need him to know that I miss him, that I am working through my shit, that I’m thinking about him.

It takes a few hours for his reply to come in. I know he’s probably had a busy day on set as they finish up, so when my phone vibrates while I’m in the shower, I reach for it with wet hands and all.

My heart constricts in my chest, and I read the words over and over and over.


I miss you, Tornerose. More than I can say.

I’m OK. Promise.

I love you.

After over a week away from him, I thought I would feel better about my decision to leave. I thought the hurt would fade. I thought all the reasons I said I can’t be with him would start to make sense, but they haven’t yet. I guess I just need more time.