"No offence, Gwenny, but I can do what I want. I still own thirty percent of the company, and I believe you have a measly twenty." God, he's so fucking arrogant.
Karl Holm is the CEO of Holm Productions, which he started with my mother. Gwen and I became shareholders when we each turned 21 and we are likely the reason the entire company hasn't collapsed. The animosity between my parents seemed to be the driving force behind every decision made for the company, which, as one can imagine, is terrible for business. What my parents don't yet know is that I sold my shares to Gwen, making her the majority shareholder. Dad's head is about to explode.
"Actually, Dad, since we're all on the board of your company and we decided years ago that executive positions require an in-depth interview process, you can't!" The tips of Gwen's ears are red, but that's the only giveaway that my sister is angry. Her voice is eerily calm and even. "Especially not when you're sleeping with the person you want to hire."
"I still have final say in anything that happens as major shareholder and I say Cassie is my assistant from here on out. She'll be accompanying me on any and all trips as well." Dad gets up, as if he's just going to walk away from this conversation.
"This isn't how I wanted to do this..." Gwen looks at her husband, who's been rubbing her back since we all sat down. "You're no longer the major shareholder, Dad."
Mom and Dad's heads snap up simultaneously. I can feel the shock radiating from them. Dad's eyes narrow as he settles back into his chair like a boulder dropping from a cliff.
"That's right. Gwen bought my shares. I'm officially out of the family business. I don't even need to be here, actually..." It's my turn to stand and excuse myself.
"Oh, River, sit down," my mother snaps. "Is this the little bit of drama you're drawing up to get your career back on track?" She points a finger in my direction, and I see nothing but animosity in her eyes. "Is this because your little girlfriend didn't agree to my plan?"
I don't sit back down, I can't move. What the hell is she talking about?
"Explain." It's all I can manage.
"Oh, what? She didn't tell you? I proposed we create another minor scandal. We ran into one another in the ladies' room and..." She continues, telling me all about what she proposed to Elaina and how she reacted, how she walked away and suggested they pretend the conversation never happened. She said another. Another minor scandal. Like the first one that… she caused? "I figured she'd go running to tell you. She seemed quite furious with me when she left. She’ll be tougher to crack than Tiffany. That girl didn’t even pretend to be shocked when I offered to pay her to film you. This one is putting on a good show as devoted girlfriend, though.” My stomach churns as I listen to my mother's bitter words, my heart beating loudly in my temples. The anger coursing through my veins is molten hot and I feel myself about to snap.
Gwen, who had been sitting next to me, must sense my fury as she stands and places an assuring hand on my shoulder. "I'll handle this. You should go," she whispers in my ear. I shake my head. This isn't hers to handle.
"We're done. Me and you." I point to my mother. "We're done. You had no right to ask this of Elaina. You have no right to make these decisions about my life. You didn’t have the right five years ago, and you don’t have the right now." My mom has the gall to look shocked at my words. "She's the best person I've ever met. Generous and loving, honest and hardworking, strong and soft. She's everything I want to be. She's everything I... she's everything. And you tried to ruin that. But you can't. Because she's too good. And you have no idea what that's like."
I turn to Gwen, who has tears in her eyes. I whisper so only she can hear, "I'll make some calls and expedite the transfer of the shares." She hugs me tightly, nodding as she takes a deep breath in.
As I walk away from my family, I hear Gwen's even voice say to my parents, "I'm not finished with you two yet." Give them hell, Gwen.
I walk back to the suite I'm sharing with Elaina, making some calls, and sending a few texts along the way to see how quickly we can get this transfer made and also how quickly I can get paperwork done for my production company, which is the major reason I wanted out of Holm Productions in the first place.
I sink into the couch in our room, feeling the cool of the fabric through the thin cotton of my shirt. My mind drifts back to Elaina, her eyes red and puffy when she returned to our table last night. She'd bit her lip, trying to suppress the tears, and I'd assumed she was just feeling emotional. Little did I know that my mother had just offered a disturbing proposal that Elaina had firmly rejected.
I knew my mother had gone to great lengths and done more than her share of questionable things to advance her own career, but I had no idea she was capable of this. My stomach turns as I think of what she took from me when she paid Tiffany to take those videos. At the same time, I might never have met Elaina if I hadn’t shut myself off from women for the last five years.
Now, as I think of her walking away from my mother's offer, my determination is stronger than ever. I need to show Elaina that we're forever.
I send a text to find out where she is.
I’m so sorry that took so long. We just finished up. Where are you guys?
Sorry, can’t talk. Busy going down the funnest water slide everrrrrrrr!
She follows this up with a photo of the three of them at the kids’ water park, so I quickly get changed and make my way there to meet them.
When I arrive, I have no trouble finding them. Emma’s squeals of joy stand out among the buzz of animated voices, and she runs over to me when she spots me waiting for her at the end of the slide. Elaina comes running out after her in her tiny bikini, and I wonder if it’s normal to be envious of triangles of fabric and string.
“Uncle Wiv, Waina is the most coolest Pwincess! She can curtsy annnnnnd knows twicks, like going down the water slide backwards!
“Oh no, no, no, we don’t need to tell Uncle River that. It was our secret, remember?” Elaina is blushing, and I see Liam laughing behind her.
“Yeah, Elaina is the coolest. She almost got in trouble for doing that, but it was sick, Uncle River. You have the best girlfriend. You should totally marry her.” Liam looks at Elaina like he wants to be the one to wed my girl. Sorry, little dude, but she’s all mine.
I look up and see Elaina's cheeks, now a deep rose color. "Sounds like you guys are having a great time. Can I join in?" A cheer rises from the trio, but my attention is solely on her. She's wearing a white swimming suit, her wet hair curling around her face and dripping down her bare shoulders. Her eyes sparkle with that secret smile just for me. I know we can discuss my family drama afterwards. Right now, all I want is to take in this moment with my favorite person.
One hour, 750 trips down the slide and 4 cones of ice cream later we’re all exhausted, and we happily drop the kids back off to Gwen and Callum, who thank Elaina profusely. As soon as their door closes, I back her up against the wall and kiss her, taking in the smell of her sunscreen and the taste of strawberry ice cream still on her lips.