Sorry I had to take off so early. I didn’t want to wake you when you were sleeping so peacefully… and snoring so loudly!
I can’t wait to see you later. Save me a seat - I’ll be there once all groomsmen are safely standing next to the groom.
My mother is already at the reception space when I arrive there and I greet her with a kiss on the cheek.
“Good morning, darling. I trust you slept well. Ready for your speech?” She raises one eyebrow at me as she asks this and I can’t believe after 30 years of life, my mother still feels like she has to make sure I’m ready for anything. We’ve hardly even lived in the same house since I was 15.
“I did, thank you. And yes, Mom. I’m ready.” I dismiss her tone. I have to pick my battles with this one.
“And your little girlfriend? Is she here?” She looks around absentmindedly, pretending to look for Elaina. She knows she isn’t here.
“Elaina is sleeping. I didn’t think she needed to be here for this, so I didn’t ask her to come.”
“Sandra reassured me that this woman is the right person for you to do this with, but I want to hear it from you.” I hate that she knows about our arrangement.
“Elaina is one of the best people I know, mom. I trust her. We’ve been friends for a couple of months and she’s close with Rafael, too. Not that she needs a character reference, but there you have it anyway.” I really don’t like where this is headed. At least Sandra doesn’t seem to have told her I’ve been staying with Elaina.
“Hmm. I hope you’re right. I’d hate to have our name dragged through the mud again because another simpleton is after a little bit of money.” She rolls her eyes as she says this, and it takes me several deep breaths before I can respond to her.
“Elaina is an award-winning production designer. She is sought-after and incredibly talented. She does very well for herself, and I can assure you, she’s not after anybody’s money.” I catch sight of the wedding planner on the other side of the room and figure now’s as good a time as any to get the fuck away from this conversation. “Excuse me, mother. I have to go. I’ll see you at the wedding.” I don’t wait for her response, nor do I look at her for any indication that she heard what I said. I can’t believe she would say that about Elaina.
* * *
The rest of the day goes by slowly. So slowly. I’ve texted Elaina several times, but hanging out with a bunch of hungover dudes is really making the day drag.
I do NOT snore. How dare you.
Otherwise, thank you for the sweet note.
You do, but I like it.
I wish I could have stayed.
Me too. What are you doing now?
Making sure all of the groomsmen shower and shave. Keeping them away from any alcohol. These guys are absolute beasts.
Such a responsible lad you are. Ashley picked the right man for the job.
I’ve been listening to our playlist. When did you add “Iris”? Gosh, that’s such a great song.
The night Mitch got you that disgusting fruity drink and I rescued you.
Kidding. I know you don’t need rescuing.
Ugh. Don’t remind me. That thing was repulsive.
And I don’t, but I didn’t mind seeing you get a little protective.
I just added “I Try” because Macy Gray is underrated!