Page 50 of Lost Love Found

Our flight and the travel time to the resort feel carefree and we burst into fits of laughter often as I tell her some stories about my family and things that have happened on set throughout the week. When we get to the resort, our concierge shows us to our suite, and everything is fine until we’re both standing in the bedroom alone, looking at one big bed in the middle of it.

“I’m sure I asked Kelly to book a suite with two bedrooms. Shit, Lainey. I’m sorry.” I pick up my phone to call her and get this changed, but Elaina stops me by taking my phone from my hand.

“It’s fine, Adam. Probably best that we don’t change our room. If anyone gets wind of us booking a room with two bedrooms, it won’t look good.” She smiles tightly at me, puts my phone down on the nightstand and walks to her suitcase. “I’m just going to change quickly and we can head down to meet your family. You said we’re the last to arrive, right?”

“Yeah, um, I guess I should do that, too. You can take the bathroom if you want. I’ll just change in here while you’re in there.” OK, so we seem to have a solid plan for how not to see each other naked. Something I hadn’t needed to think of until this very moment. Great.

After a few minutes in the bathroom, she emerges with her eyes cast downward, her steps slow and unsure. She tucks her hair behind her ears and nervously adjusts her collar. “Is this OK? I have all these new clothes thanks to Taylor and I’m second-guessing at least half of what he packed for me already!” She looks down at herself and smooths the fabric of her white romper down. “And I’m about to meet your whole family. While wearing a bathing suit. Ugh.” It’s adorable that she’s a little nervous. I should probably be feeling some of that too, being that it’s been five years since I brought anyone around to meet my family. Instead, I feel calm, steady, certain.

“You’re perfect, Elaina. Don’t be nervous.” I reach for her hand, giving it a quick kiss and we walk out. The sun feels good, and she seems to relax once we’re outside. My sister texted to say they’re at the beach, so we head there. I hear a chorus of “Riveeeeeer” as soon as my cousins spot us. Everyone flocks over, but I know the attention is not for me. They’re all dying to meet Lainey.

She smiles at everyone and jokes about how she won’t be able to remember all their names but that she swears she’ll try. I catch a few of my male cousins checking her out a little too closely and place my hand on her lower back to guide her away from the crowd. She smiles up at me, laughing at the rambunctious bunch we just left behind.

When she turns into me, I pull her face towards mine and kiss her, nibbling on her bottom lip then kissing her chin before I pull away.

“That was nice,” she says, biting the same lip I just did. Kissing her is so much better than nice. It’s everything.

“Uncle Wiver! Uncle Wiver!” Emma’s voice pulls us away from our quiet moment, and I’m glad I kept the kiss PG. I kiss Elaina’s hand before letting it go, knowing Emma is about to jump up. I catch her just in time and twirl her until she begs me to stop and we’re both good and dizzy. I hear Elaina giggling as she watches us. “OK, uncle Wiver. That’s enough! I wanna meet your girlfwiend.”

I put Emma on my hip but she begs to come down. She’s getting so big. Elaina watches as Emma gets closer then leans down. “Oh, you must be Princess Emma!” And this is the moment Lainey wins over my niece. She curtsies, head down, pretends to fan out her invisible long dress and everything. Emma gasps as Elaina says, “Your highness” and then stands back up.

“How did you know I was a Pwincess?” Emma brings her little hands to her heart.

“Everyone knows! And it was one of the first things your uncle River ever told me. I could never forget.” She smiles at my niece and holds out her hand, crouching down to meet Emma at her eye level. “It’s very nice to meet you, Princess Emma. I’m Elaina.”

Emma struggles to say her name a few times. “Your uncle calls me L. Or sometimes Lainey. You can call me whatever you want.” Oh, she’s good. Emma is enamored.

“I wike Wainey. I will call you dat.” She gives L a thumbs up. “You’re beautiful, Wainey. Your hair is like a mermaid’s!” Elaina blushes at the four-year-old’s compliments.

“Thank you, Emma. You’re very beautiful, too.” Elaina smiles and looks up at me. I can’t take my eyes off of her.

“Hey, uncle Riv.” Liam comes over and gives me a fist bump, already a little too cool for hugs at 7 years old. “Hi, Elaina. I-It’s nice to m-meet you. I’m Liam.”

“Oh, I know who you are, Liam. Your uncle tells me you’re really into Lego, is that true?” She puts out her hand for a fist bump, though he probably wouldn’t say no to a hug from her.

“Uh-huh. Yeah, I like to build stuff,” he says shyly, blushing. I think the kid’s got a crush.

“Well, when I was your age, I built an entire city out of Lego for my hamster. It was awesome! Right up until I had to clean it up that is…” She makes a shuddering sound. “Then it was the pits. The poop pits! I bet you build way cooler stuff!”

Liam laughs, appreciating a good poop joke. “Yeah, I can show you some later, if you want?” And it’s confirmed. The kid’s got a big, huge crush on my girl. Get in line, little man.

“I’d love that!” She looks at me again and her smile widens in excitement that my niece and nephew seem to like her. My sister and mom walk closer, catching up to the kids who ran over to us earlier.

“Hey, you guys! You made it!” Gwen gives me a kiss on the cheek and a bear hug. “Hey, little brother!” And she quickly moves to Elaina, bringing her into a bear hug of her own. “Elaina! We’ve heard almost nothing about you because little brother withholds all information from us.” She shoots me an exaggerated scowl. “We’re so happy you’re here and we finally get to meet you!”

While Gwen is busy telling Elaina about my shortcomings, my mom gives me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. She takes a step toward Elaina and proceeds to look at her from head to toe. “Nice to meet you. Based on that little kiss we all witnessed just now, I can see you two are taking your roles very seriously.” Shit. She knows this isn’t real. Of course, she does. Somehow she got information out of Sandra, and it makes my blood run hot hearing my mom talk to Lainey like this.

“It’s wonderful to finally meet you, Ms. Holm.” I know Elaina is nervous, but she doesn’t show it up until this very moment. Her hand shakes ever so slightly as she reaches out to shake my mother's.

“Bethany, please, dear.” Mom’s smile is too wide and her voice is too sweet. It’s unnatural. Maybe she’s not as great of an actress as everyone thinks.

“Bethany. OK. Thank you for having me.” Elaina’s smile is warm and genuine - quite the contrast to my mother’s. No doubt everyone here will be in love with her by the time we leave.

“Volleyball game! Who’s playing?” I hear Kyle, one of my cousins shout over to us. Elaina looks at me expectantly and I can tell she’s game, even if just to get out of this uncomfortable meet and greet.

“We are!” she yells out before getting a verbal response from me. I hear someone say I like her already as we walk towards some lounge chairs to put our things down. I notice several sets of eyes all staring at the same spot behind me, so I turn around to see what they see. I’m met with Elaina shimmying out of her romper, revealing a white string bikini underneath. She tosses the romper onto the chair and shakes her hair out, reaching up to put it into a bun. She has a tattoo on her rib cage that starts right under her left breast. I want to get closer to see it, but instead, I turn around and scowl at all the lingering eyes on my girl’s heart-shaped ass. I knew having her around these idiots was a bad idea.

I pull my white T-shirt up and over my face, and when my eyes meet hers, I can feel the electricity between us. Elaina’s bright green eyes travel from the waist of my shorts, to my toned abs, pecs, and then up to meet my gaze. She chokes out a sound before clearing her throat. “Ready?” Her voice cracks, her feet falter and I grab her by the waist for reassurance. We take our positions opposite of each other on the same team for the volleyball game. Elaina’s movements are graceful as she moves around the court and I find myself caught up in watching her. The ball is heading right towards me and yet I can’t tear my gaze away from Elaina’s bouncing butt cheeks while she jumps. The other team gets the point because of my distraction.