My fingertips tap the screen of my phone as I read Adam’s message about Maeve. His enthusiasm for Maeve being cast in the movie is impossible to miss, and I knew she was going to be great, yet for some reason, a wave of jealousy courses through me. This is my best friend, and she deserves the best co-star in the world, so why does my chest tighten at the thought of them together? Then he said he misses me, and my chest swelled with a whole other mix of emotions. Somehow, I manage to push them away as I contemplate what a bit of distance might do for us. With a deep breath, I type my response
Feeling this song today, maybe because I had a hard time waking up. Fave line: “My saddle’s waiting. Come and jump on it”
Miss your face.
I didn’t expect him to respond right away, but he does.
LAINEY! “Pony?” Really?
And there are far better lines in this song. You know it.
My stomach is in knots. Why the hell did I pick this song? I cannot think about riding Adam’s pony. Nope, nope, nope. Not even gonna think about it a little bit. OK, maybe later when I’m not so hungover…
OK, so maybe there are, but I was trying to keep it PG for you.
You never have to keep it PG for me.
Added “Hey Ya” for you. Best line has to be “Don’t want to meet your daddy. Just want you in my Caddy’”
Maeve said you’re hungover. She showed me the picture you sent her. Are you being safe over there? And why aren’t you sending ME pictures?
Good to know.
Wow, the line after that one is DEFINITELY not PG!
Is Maeve spilling my secrets? I went to dinner with friends. Very safe. And here you go.
I send a picture someone took of me last night. I’m looking off to the side, glass of wine in hand, laughing so hard that my eyes are closed. It’s not a very flattering picture, but it’s all I’ve got.
I don’t hear from Adam for the rest of the day, which is fine. I only have a couple more days left in Paris and I’m braving the Louvre today, spending the day there.
I don’t hear from him the next day either, and I’m headed back to London tonight. It felt good to do things on my timeline, but I’m looking forward to snuggles from Frankie tonight and hopefully seeing Maeve, Owen, Raf, and Adam tomorrow.
By the time I get back to the apartment, it’s 2 am and I’m wiped. I immediately take my pants off - right after kissing and hugging Frankie, that is. I’ve just taken off my bra when I hear a knock at the door. Maeve. It’s gotta be Maeve. What did she do with her key?
“Just couldn’t wait until morning to see me, huh?” I open the door only to be mauled by a giant of a man who pushes into my apartment. Adam kicks the door shut and then he’s hugging me tight around the waist and lifting me off my feet. Oh god. He smells so good. So, so good.
Adam holds me close, and I feel his heartbeat thudding against mine. His warm breath tickles my ear as he speaks in a low voice. “No, you’re right. I couldn’t wait. I asked Casper to let me know when you came in.” His confession catches me off guard. I didn't think Adam knew the overnight doorman's name. Is that what’s really important here?
The warmth of his hands seeps into my bare skin, and I melt into his embrace. My lack of clothing should bother me, but I find myself wishing there was even less of a barrier between us. I want more of his heat, more of his calloused hands on me, more of his warm breath on my skin. But I can’t. We’re friends. We can’t be more than that.
The thought snaps me back to reality, and I pull away, feeling a blush spread across my cheeks. His eyes linger on my body, taking in my white tank top that clings too tightly and barely keeps my underwear from view. Adam's eyes seem to drink me in and I feel like I'm standing here naked, my heart racing as if I'd run a marathon. Just like the night we met, I feel his gaze all over me. The heat of it as his eyes rake over every inch of my body. I don’t cover myself up. I let him look. This doesn’t feel very friendly, now does it? Oh shut up. I don’t care. Not one bit.
“I… It’s late. Sorry, I… I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, L.” He looks at the wall, the floor, the dog, his shoes. Everywhere but back at me and then turns towards the door so fast he nearly runs into it. And just like that, he’s gone. And I’m leaning back on the wall, knees weak, knowing I’m going to need a battery-operated companion to join me in bed if I’m going to get any kind of sleep tonight.
* * *
Days go by and I don’t hear a peep from him. Not even a text. I know they’re having crazy long days because Maeve just told me, and she’s barely had time to text me as well. We’re sitting on the couch in her apartment eating nachos. She has tomorrow off, so we’re taking the opportunity to catch up.
“How’s everything been on set? Have you filmed any of the love scenes with River yet?” It feels easier to use his stage name when asking my best friend if she’s kissed or had fake sex with the guy I’ve been having wet dreams about. Can girls have wet dreams?
“No, I haven’t. And it’s River now, is it? Weird to think of me snogging with Adam?” She gives me that one eyebrow lift and studies my face. I’m blushing, and I have no idea why. This is my best friend I’m talking to!
“OK, I have something to confess.” I take a deep breath because she is going to give me SO much shit for this. “I imagined it was him when I was Lone Rangering the other night. And again, last night. And I’ve been having dreams.” I put both of my hands to my face and shake my head because even I can’t believe what I’m saying. I don’t tell her about the nightmares, only about the pleasant dreams.
“What you’re saying is Adam gets you hot. So hot that you’re having sex dreams about him. SO HOT that you – the girl who could win an Olympic gold medal in masturbating without attachments to any specific fantasy or person – have been fantasizing about Adam? Did I get that right?” She picks up a chip and crunches down loudly as if this isn’t the single most ridiculous admission I’ve ever made to her.