Page 18 of Lost Love Found

I’m talking a mile a minute now. “Yeah, well, this was just a practice meal. I figured it’d be great to try it out with a few close friends. I mean, I didn’t know you’d be here, obviously. Raf told me River would be coming, but I didn’t know you were… Anyway, I decided to come to London early after everything with my family. Figured I could get a practice dinner in before I made you the real one since I’ve never made a whole Thanksgiving meal myself before, but you’re here now, so… surprise! It’s Thanksgiving in London!” My hands come up around my face with jazz fingers when I say ‘surprise’ and I immediately, and I mean immediately, regret the action.

His blue eyes are bright and wide. His smile is gone and his lips are slightly parted. Before my mouth can speak any more cretinous things or my body can come up with any other dopey gestures, he pulls me into a tight hug. His hands come under my arms and around my waist this time and he buries his head in my neck.

Please let this be the way I die. Just like this. Smelling Adam, standing on my tippy toes while he holds me.

“I don’t deserve you. No one does. I’m convinced of it,” he whispers, but I catch every word and I hold him tighter with each one. He takes a deep breath and pulls away. All I can think is that this is the very best hug I’ve ever had. He pulls our bodies apart, placing his hands on my shoulders.

“I don’t know how to thank you, Lainey. I can’t believe you did this. For me. I–” Three quick knocks at the door cuts him off.

Dang it!

He puts his arms down and Maeve’s face peeks around the door.

“Hello, darlings. I’m sorry I took so long. It seems we have a hungry bunch out there and that turkey is looking far too perfect to be eaten cold, so do you think we can get going with dinner?” She smiles sweetly, communicating what the hell is going on to me with only her eyes. “Hi River!” He lifts a hand to acknowledge Maeve’s greeting and my nervous energy takes over again.

“Yes! Let’s go eat. Everything is ready. Come on Ad–River. We don’t want it to get cold.” I grab his wrist and pull him out of the room and into the kitchen.

At some point, I must have let go because my hands are free by the time I make it over to the stove next to George, who rubs my arms and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

“Dinner smells fantastic, darling.” I smile up at him before I look back at where Adam is standing. He’s frowning, his hands are in fists next to him and he’s looking straight at George.

does anyone here know the heimlich?


My heart leapt into my throat when I saw her. She's here, and she isn't angry? She, for some odd reason, understands. I had imagined this moment dozens of times, but never with a result like this: her laughing and jumping into my arms. I knew why Raf had an expression that suggested he wanted to strangle me when he heard her call me Adam. As both my bodyguard and friend, he guards my private life fiercely. He’s been one of the few people to call me Adam for so long. Even my parents switched to River years ago.

When I told Lainey she can call me whatever she wants when it’s just us, a crimson blush crept over her cheeks and down her neck. I couldn't help the smile on my face as I took her in. She’s so beautiful and completely unaware of her sex appeal.

My breath caught in my throat when she cupped my face in her hands. I hadn't seen the depths of her eyes until then, and they sparkled like a pond reflecting the light of the setting sun. I suddenly felt like I was standing on quicksand, sinking and unable to move. She has eyes like green jewels. Like emeralds. Like grass on a summer’s day. With rare, precious specks of gold, warm like a soothing ray of sunshine.

And now she just told me she made a practice turkey dinner. She wanted to practice before making me this entire meal all over again. I meant it when I said I don’t deserve her. Really, no one deserves someone this good. Except maybe her.

She deserves everything that is good, and that sure as hell isn’t me, but I’ll be damned if I don’t try to be everything she wants. Everything she needs.

Whoa, slow down there, partner.

She’s dragged me into the kitchen, and the moment we walk in I see a scrawny blonde guy put his hands on her. She’s smiling one of those wide-open smiles I wish were reserved just for me. He rubs her shoulders, kisses her on the cheek, and calls her darling.

Who the hell is this idiot?

Lainey looks back at me, but I’m too busy glaring at Mr. Handsy. Maeve calls everyone into the dining room and we all head in to sit down. L is directly across from me, and I only wish I could be next to her so I could be closer, though this is second best because I can see her face and that incredible smile from here.

Raf stands up and clears his throat, calling attention to everyone around the table. “Excuse me, everyone. Before we all dig into this magnificent meal, I want to say thanks to the beautiful Elaina for putting it all together. Baby girl, you’re one of a kind and we’re all so lucky to have you.” He winks at her, and I have murderous thoughts about my best friend. Baby girl? Gonna have some questions for Raf later.

The table erupts in a cheer of thanks. I look away from Raf’s smug face to the woman across from me. Her smile is tight and forced. She’s blushing, tucking her hair behind her ear, and she’s looking at me with a silent cry for help. She clearly doesn’t enjoy being the center of attention.

I mouth the words thank you and send her a wink of my own. The blush on her cheeks deepens immediately, but her whole face softens. Her eyes go hazy, her smile widens, and she lets out a little chuckle. She nods once before she looks down at her hands as Maeve passes her a dish, breaking our trance. The obvious change in her demeanor from Raf’s public display of gratitude to our private moment warms my chest.

Oh, beautiful girl, I see you.

Dinner is loud and delicious. The company is actually pretty great, but the food… it’s perfect. I still can’t believe she made all of this on her own. We all sit, unable to move, drinking wine and talking around the table until George gets up and clears dishes away. He and his partner Jon (yes, I feel like an ass for being jealous) grab the dishes while the other guys clear the food away. I get up to help and catch glimpses of Lainey buzzing around the kitchen getting dessert set up. She laughs when Raf tries to sneak a piece of apple crumble, shooing him away with her hip. I had no idea they knew one another. And well, by the looks of it.

Once we’re back at the table, everyone passes around the pies: pumpkin, pecan and apple crumble. Lainey sits silently, her olive eyes scanning each person as they chose their slices, her lips pursed in thought as if she were filing away their preferences for later reference.

“River, aren’t you going to have any?” The question comes from Charlie, who is currently serving herself a slice of pecan pie.

“Yes, of course.” I look to Lainey, serving herself some apple crumble. “L, can you pass me the apple crumble, please? That’s my favorite.” I can’t help the smile that comes over my face when I see her big green eyes sparkle with joy.