Page 13 of Lost Love Found

Yep. Checks out. She picked the right nickname.

Speaking of Googling, I’m not internet stalking you. Next time I lay eyes on you I want to see you looking back at me.

My heart skips a beat. Or maybe it beats faster. Or maybe it stops beating altogether.


Goodnight, L.

how do i get six years back?


A week goes by, and Adam and I exchange texts daily. He’s called me twice and we’ve talked late into the night. Yesterday he told me about his sister and I love that they have such a close relationship. It’s so different from what I have with Owen now. Hearing the way his voice changed when he talked about Gwen and her kids sent goosebumps all over my body.

It’s felt a little like a secret friendship, this thing with Adam and me because I haven’t told anyone about these phone conversations. I don't think I'm ready to yet.

Maeve is coming over now, and she knows I've kept in touch with the mysterious guy I met at her NYE party, but she doesn't know that I'm scared.

I'm not someone who easily opens up to strangers. I always keep people at arm’s length, but this is different. I'd been with Ben for three years, but it always felt like he was holding something back from me. Of course, now I know that something was his relationship with another woman. But this, with Adam, it feels different. I find myself eagerly awaiting his calls, and feel butterflies in my stomach when I think of him. Even though I've never even seen his face, I sense a connection that feels both exhilarating and terrifying. I know I have to be careful not to get too close too fast. But try as hard as I might, the more I think about him, the more I want to get to know him.

I hear the welcome sound of Maeve's car pulling up the driveway and reluctantly shake myself out of my trance-like state, dragging my thoughts away from Adam.

She's grinning from ear to ear as she enters the kitchen, her eyes immediately falling on the freshly baked muffins. Two mugs are already prepared - one of steaming coffee for me, the other with a tea bag steeped in hot water for her.

“Hello, my darling!” she says, and I feel a weight being lifted off my chest. The warmth of her embrace is even more comforting than the hot cup of coffee I'm cradling in my hands. "So lovely to see your eyes are healing so well." She hugs me tight before pulling away, and I can feel the love radiating from her.

She crosses the kitchen with a skip in her step and picks up the mug of tea, inhaling its comforting aroma. She might have traveled far and wide, but some things will never change - like her love of afternoon tea.

“Hi, Mae. I feel like a new person. A new person who no longer needs glasses." We both laugh and I settle into my stool at the island. "I've got your favorites ready. We're ready for a full BFF catch-up." She joins me at the island and immediately reaches for a muffin. "How are you? When do you start shooting your next movie? That River guy is in it, right?” I twist up my face when I ask about her co-star. I’ve never met him.

“Oh, fine. Charlie left yesterday and already I can’t wait to see her again. The movie starts in a few weeks, but I think I want to go to London sooner to spend some time with Char and enjoy London before it’s all long shoot days.” Something feels off about her, but she’s avoiding my eyes. I won’t push her yet. “And, yes, River Holm is my co-star. He was at the party the other night, but he left early.” She shrugs and eats some of her muffin.

“And what else do we know about River, other than that he’s very mysterious?” I don’t like to gossip, but I’m curious about who Mae’s next co-star is. She’s had a rough go lately and I hope she gets to work with good people for this film.

“I don’t know, actually. We’ve never worked together, but he seemed like a nice bloke when I met him.” She shrugs, not seeming at all concerned that she’s going to be working closely with someone she’s met once.

“He’s pretty hot, though! I saw his last movie. He was fantastic, too! And I know you don’t date costars, but I mean…” I wiggle my eyebrows at her, laughing.

She laughs. “Not going to happen. There were zero sparks when we met. We have a lot of scenes together, including some potentially steamy ones, but you know how mechanical those are. Hand here. Breathe like this. Now close your eyes. Ugh…”

“I feel like it’s like that in real life too, though.” I sigh because I have had exactly zero sexual experiences that would be considered mind-blowing since I was 18. And that’s… bleak!

“Oh, Bonnie, you just need to find the right guy. Ben was selfish - in so many ways - and you need to let go a little. It’s not mechanical when it’s with the right person, and I think deep down you know that.” She holds eye contact with me and I don’t have to question that she says this out of pure love. I can see her big shiny blue eyes sparkling with that care and understanding I always find when I look at Maeve and Charlie.

“Yeah, but I’m good, Mae. I still get mine, you know?” I wink and we both laugh at my covert mention at my vibrator collection.

“OK, total subject change! I’ve been reading a romance novel and I think I’m going to go visit my mom and Owen.” I look at my coffee as I say this because I’m still trying to convince myself this is actually a good idea.

“Those two things aren’t related though, right? Because… weird. Also, I think both separately are great. You haven’t been back for a visit in a long time. Your mum misses you. And I know Owen does, too.” She touches my hand when she mentions my brother, knowing how strained our relationship has been since dad died six years ago.

I let out a loud breath. “Yeah. It’s time. And I have this break from work, anyway. Going home feels right. And Dr. Scholz agrees it’s a good idea.” When I spoke to my therapist last week, she was very encouraging that going home might be good for me.

“Well, you know me and Dr. Scholz are pretty much always on the same page, so… When do you leave?” She finishes her muffin and lets out a moan. Chocolate chip is her favorite.

“A few days. Will I see you before you go to London?” I pout as I ask her this. I miss her when she’s gone.

“Awwww, Bonnieeeeee, you know I always miss you the most. And why don’t you come with me? After Marblehead. Come and stay with me. Charlie will love it. So will I!” She’s clapping now, like she’s just had the best idea. And she sort of has. What else do I have to do? Might as well go to one of my favorite cities with my favorite people.