Page 41 of Come Back to Me

I grin at the memory. I laid on Savannah’s floor the entire day and she pushed Playdough into my cheeks as hard as she could.

“You ended up getting Band-Aids to keep the Playdough in place.” I nod my head. “Carla flipped out, she thought I got hurt. Donny laughed until he cried and told us to put the Playdough back before it dried out because he wasn’t buying us more.”

“I have so many good memories with you in them. I’m not sure I have any without you, actually.”

“Me neither.”

Silence descends again. This time it isn't as comfortable as I’d like, but I don’t know what to say. I want to tell her about the accident and everything that happened as a result, but I want to wait. I want to tell her when the time is right and this isn't it.

Chapter 23


The silence between us is awkward, but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else at this moment. Nixon’s helping me forget all about Chad and what he did. He’s also building a bridge between our old friendship and where we are now.

Lying in Nixon’s arms, I feel more at peace than I have in a long time. He’s always been like a warm hug, the one man who feels like home to me.

“Will you sleep in my bed tonight? I just want to be held?” I whisper into the silent night.

I swear he stiffens ever so slightly and I'm worried he’s going to say no.


“No, it’s fine. You don’t have to. I'm just going to go to bed.” I push up from the couch and rush into my room. I press the door shut and lock it before falling onto my bed.

The tears come faster this time. I'm surprised by it, but I shouldn’t be. I’ve already dealt with losing him once, I'm not sure I can do it again.

I know I'm being overly emotional, but after finding out what my best friend truly thinks of me and discovering my boyfriend was only dating me to win a bet, I'm not sure I could control my emotions if I tried.

The door handle to the balcony shakes a few times. I can only see shadows through the curtains, but I can clearly see Nixon drop his head against the door. When it’s clear I'm not opening the door, he lets out a long sigh and moves away from the door.

I breathe a little easier knowing he’s going to leave me alone for the night. I can only handle so much rejection in a twenty-four-hour period.

I'm not really upset I lost Chad. I'm hurt at his reasoning for dating me more than anything else. It’s all been a lie. Even my relationship with Devon feels like a lie. Was she only friends with me because she wanted to date Chad?

I tug my sweatshirt up and over my head, there’s no way I can sleep in this. I’ll wake up in a gross pile of sweat if I do.

I’m folding it and putting it back in my drawer along with my sweatpants when my bedroom door flies open and I jump in surprise, a small scream leaving me. Nixon’s standing there looking annoyed as ever.

“Savvy… Oh, shit… sorry!” His eyes widen before his hands fly up to cover them.

For the briefest moment, I wonder why he’s covering his eyes, then reality crashes into me. I'm standing in the middle of my bedroom in a pair of underwear and a bralette. Sure, they’re boy shorts and I'm not really showing more skin than I would if I were wearing a bikini, but it’s still weird.

“Nixon! What are you doing?” I hiss, jumping to grab a robe to throw over myself.

“I… uh… I wanted to see if you were ok.”

“And you thought scaring the crap out of me was the way to do it?”

“No! I just… Can I uncover my eyes yet? It’s really hard to have a real conversation when I feel like a little kid watching a scary movie.”

“Yes, you can. Though I'm fairly certain you covered your eyes when we watched a scary movie when you were eighteen.”

“Don’t you dare judge me. You know how much I hate snakes.”

“Then you probably shouldn’t have watched Snakes on a Plane. Something tells me you wouldn’t be fond of a movie like that without actually watching it.” I roll my eyes. Sometimes he can be really dramatic.

“You know I was going through a Samuel L. Jackson phase. I watched every movie he’s ever been in! I couldn’t exactly skip that one just because the word snake was in the title.”