“Unless you prefer to view it alone, general Balthazar is here and can see it at the same time.” The general didn’t say anything about Anatu, and John was grateful for that.
“I will watch it with the general.” He had to believe that Anatu was all right. In the meantime he had to fight this war.
A few moments later they watched a recording of Amelagar that stood and pointed to a large screen behind him. “We thought the clones had three large ships left after whatever fight they got in. We can see signs of serious damage done.” He hesitated and continued. “The problem is this.” The screen behind him changed to show the image that got larger and larger, showing not three space ships but closer to thirty.
“How did we miss this?” he muttered, but quietly he begged for just one glimpse of Anatu to let him know that she was all right.
One thought hammered through his brain. They can’t win. Not against such overwhelming numbers. Not against technology light years ahead of earths.
“We are going to—”
The image snowed. John had to use every inch of self-control he had not to cry out. Not to beg aloud for a glimpse of Anatu. For her to be spared.
“What do you think Amelagar wanted to say?” Balthazar asked.
“I am hoping they figured out a way to destroy the clone ships in a way that keeps them destroyed.” Ships that came back from the dead was the stuff made for nightmares. It was a war they could not win.
My three ships can do a lot of damage to the clone ships. But it won’t make a difference over time. They will simply clone more ships and send them here.”
He frowned and straightened. “Three ships?”
Balthazar’s smile was all teeth. “Yes, I have three warrior class ships.”
“Where?” They’ve learned the hard way to keep a vigilant eye on space. No one had reported seeing more ships.
“The warrior class ships are waiting for the clone ships in space. They are hiding on the dark side of a planet.”
“I hate you fucking cyborgs.”
“I don’t hate you humans. I find you amusing.”
“Fuck you.” His language was deteriorating, but it felt damn good to swear at the smug cyborg.
Chapter Twenty-Five
The marines found quarters on the enslaved ship, but Anatu and Agrippa mostly stayed on Little Big Ship. It took constant vigilance to keep the cloak up to full strenght to cover the bigger ship.
Agrippa and Amelagar made good use of one of the empty state rooms when they had time and both appreciated the bathroom facilities. But still it was not enough. They worked so hard, they rarely got to disappear together.
They’d been orbiting, cloaked, but still had no clear idea how to get all the temples at once.
They were all gathered on LBS’ bridge, brainstorming ways to take out the cloning temples.
Agrippa rubbed her head; she was sure her ryhov looked as dull as she felt. Amelagar, who stood behind her, massaged her neck.
“Bombing them would not be enough. Most of the temples are underground and the bombs will not penetrate. It was designed not to be very effective if turned on the clones.”
Amelagar spoke without stopping the wonderful movement of his magic fingers. “The moment we start bombing the temples, the planetary defence system will target us.”
Colonel Farnham looked thoughtful. “You said they have no enemies.”
“No,” Amukkan answered. “Agrippa?”
She shrugged. “No enemies I know of.”
“They have never battled in space? Tell no stories of ancient enemies or glorious battles?”
“No, they destroyed the people living on their moon, but there is no record of any other battles or even exploration.”