“I am not.”
“Then why are you afraid of me because you saw me kill the captain?”
“Because I don’t know if you will get mad and turn on me like that.”
He finished dressing and walked out. Her bottom lip quivered, but she ruthlessly pressed them together. She would survive somehow, even if she never saw him again. But she would see him, somehow she had the feeling the goddess had entwined their lives long before they were birthed and in his case brought on line.
Agrippa was tinkering with the regenerating tube when Amelagar strolled in.
“Come Clone.”
“Where to Cyborg 321.”
His eyes narrowed, but he only took her upper arm in a surprising gentle grip and steered her out of the infirmary.
Her heart beat overtime and on the one hand she wanted to drag her heels, but it was a relief to be able to leave the infirmary. Maybe they were going to the mess hall again. She would love to sit next to him again, while they ate. As if they were a couple.
“Where are you taking me?” If he was about to lock her up or something equally sinister, she didn’t know what would be worse. What they did to her, or the fact that Amelagar was doing it.
He motioned to the door opening on their left. “I am taking you to the mess hall. There will be others there. If you do not know how to make conversation, Aurora will teach you. I am considered very proficient in discussion.”
Her heart broke for these proud cyborgs so determined to make their own fate. She might be afraid of them, but she was beginning to see how noble they were. How hard they worked to help earth in the coming war. They could’ve just taken earth for themselves.
They entered the mess hall and took seats close to where Aurora and the general sat. She jumped when a hard whap came out of the galley.
“Don’t worry, that’s just our resident crazy cook,” Aurora said, her eyes twinkling. Today the human female was dressed in faded blue pants and a soft shirt. Her hair was done in the elaborate style she always wore.
Agrippa mostly wore cyborg uniform shirts over pants she’d found in the captains quarters. The pants were so tight she had to wear big shirts over it. Maybe Aurora could help her get some clothes. She didn’t want to ask.
They had lunch with several other cyborgs joining them and she was amazed at how cosy it all felt.
Afterward Amelagar took her arm without explaining where they were going. It definitely wasn’t the infirmary.
A door opened and they stepped inside an opulent cabin. Not as big and filled with luxuries as the Captain’s, but close. The bed was enormous and under her feet the thick carpet shined as if it had been dipped in diamonds.
“This is our quarters.”
She looked around, her mouth hanging open, but she couldn’t help it. Never did she think to live in such a grand place. Then what he’d said registered. “Our place?” Her heart started working overtime again. She got to spend time alone with him in here. What would he want to do? The general and Aurora obviously loved each other. Did Amelagar care for her a bit or was it only lust?
“I have claimed you as my clone. You will share this cabin with me. Do you object to making love with me.” He suddenly looked uncomfortable. “I know about human love making. That is what they call it,” he told her earnestly. “I don’t know anything about clone behaviour and the database only says naturals engage in devious practices.”
She pulled a face. “Propaganda.”
His eyes gleamed. If you are willing, I would like to try everything the clones consider deviant.”
She bit her lip and then walked toward him, until the tips of her breasts almost touched him. “I do not object. I would love to do human lovemaking and also show you deviant practices.” She traced his grey skin, following the folds and he sucked in a breath. His eyes widened and his nostrils flared. “When a Tunrian male and female decide to be together they touch each other like this. If you touch my folds, it will bring me much pleasure.”
He carefully traced the fine folds over her face and she shuddered. “That feels so good.”
Agrippa opened his jacket and pushed it off his shoulders.
He shrugged out of it and swung her up in his arms. “I have an hour free and we will do everything humans and Tunrians do.
Almost an hour later they lay in the big bed, naked, sated and Agrippa suspected he was just as ready for round two as she was. But he had to go to work.
“I don’t know what to do in such a big room.”
Amelagar looked around. “Me neither.” He grinned and it was all teeth. “I have seen files on how to make love on all the furniture. When my shift ends, we will do that.”