Page 53 of Drake Eternal

I woke early, checked my cell, and saw that Kate had sent a message when she and Sophie arrived at the airport, and then again when they got on the plane. I figured she would be in the Heathrow airport by ten o’clock my time, so I hoped we could talk if I could take a break from my work. It all depended on how my first surgery went. It was usually a pretty fast procedure, so I hoped I could get to the hospital, scrub in, do the procedure, watch my patient for a short time in recovery and then sit in my office and do a quick Skype with Kate and Sophie while they were in London on their layover. I imagined they would be tired, as it was always hard to sleep, even if you were in the first-class suite that British Airways had on the flight to Heathrow.

As luck would have it, my first patient was textbook, and so the procedure and recovery went exactly as planned. I was free when the time came and so I grabbed a coffee from the cafeteria, trying my best to avoid Sam in the process, and went back to my office.

I sat behind my desk and checked my messages. Sure enough, there was one from Kate.

KATE: We arrived safely in London. Not a very good sleep for me despite how luxurious the BA first class seats are, but Sophie slept like a baby. We’re waiting patiently for your call. Love you. XOXOXO

I smiled and opened my laptop, wanting to watch them on a big screen instead of my cell. I made the call and waited. Within two rings of the phone, the screen opened and there was both Kate and Sophie with the backdrop of BA’s First-Class lounge behind them.

“Daddy!” Sophie’s smiling face, her chubby rose cheeks made my heart swell. She was such a good-natured child.

“Hello my two loves. How was your flight to Heathrow?”

“Perfect. No complaints. Just a bit too excited for me to sleep as well as I might have,” Kate said. She smiled, but I could see the fatigue in her eyes.

“You’ll have lots of time to sleep when you get here.”

We spoke for the next fifteen minutes, with Sophie relaying all the events of the trip and what the flight attendants did or said, making down her bed, and describing the amenities kit she received as a first-class passenger.

“Sounds like you had a wonderful flight. I’ll meet you at the airport and bring you back to the hotel and a good night’s sleep. How does that sound?”

“Sounds like heaven,” Kate said and blew me a kiss. Sophie did as well and so I blew them both back one, too.

“Love you both,” I said and then once they replied, I ended the call, exhaling with happiness that all was right with the world.

For the rest of the day, I alternated between surgeries, trips to the recovery room to watch my patients and time spent reviewing files. Finally, around seven, I glanced up and sat that it was time to grab a bite to eat and leave for the airport.

Michael popped his head in as I was gathering up my things to leave.

“Going to get Kate and Sophie? Have you eaten?”

“Not yet,” I said and slipped on my jacket after removing my lab coat. “I’ll get something to eat at the BA lounge while I wait.”

“Okay,” Michael said and frowned. “Just wanted to know if you were okay with Sam staying on for the rest of the time until my new surgeons arrive. I know I let her go, but she’s very skilled and we need every hand we can get.”

I waved my hand in dismissal. “Whatever you need,” I said, not wanting to be a stickler. “I’ll just ignore her as much as I can.”

“She’s that bad with you?”

I shrugged. “Let’s just say that she tries to get on my nerves and succeeds. I can ignore her.”

He shook his head. “I don’t understand some people. She is so nice and easy going with me.”

“She blames me for what happened, so she likes to remind me of it. I can ignore her. The hospital and patients are more important than my comfort.”

“If you say so,” Michael said. “Thanks for being so flexible. It’s just for two weeks.”

I nodded and grabbed my briefcase. “No problem.”

Then, he walked me to the elevators, and we said goodbye. “Give Kate and Sophie a kiss. Make sure we all have lunch once we have some time. Maybe the weekend? I could bring Miranda…”

“Sounds good,” I said, glad that Michael finally acknowledged his relationship with her. “I’ll remember to keep olives away from Miranda.”

He laughed and shook his head. “I’m glad you were there. I could do the Heimlich, but not as vigorously as you did. So, thank you.”

The elevator doors opened. “Don’t mention it.”

I stepped inside and smiled.