I did not look forward to working with her, but maybe we could keep our distance while she was at the hospital.
For both our sakes…
For the rest of the evening, I worked my butt off dealing with the neurosurgery patients from the General Hospital, spending time reviewing their charts and scans, then doing what I could to deal with their needs. When nine o’clock rolled around, I texted Kate to let her know I would be working late and would text her when I was able.
DRAKE: Flooding in Nairobi. Building collapse sent multiple patients to General, so they sent their neurosurgery patients to us. I’m working through the evening to deal with overload. Will text you when I’m able to Skype. Might not be until much later. Love you both. XOXO
It was while I was on my way back to my next patient in the OR that I saw Sam arrive, already in scrubs and reading a chart in the OR next to mine.
“Sam,” I said and nodded to her as I passed.
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite back-stabbing ex.”
I stopped abruptly. Something salty came to mind about us not being anything with enough substance to be considered exes beyond occasional fuck buddies, but I bit my own tongue and refused to respond in kind.
“So glad you were able to come help us out, given the emergency. Both Michael and I agree you’re a very talented neurosurgeon and we’re lucky to have you step up to the plate in a crisis.”
I gave her my biggest smile and then went into my OR. I caught sight of her expression of shock as I went through the door.
Yeah. I’m not stooping to your level…
Then I scrubbed in.
When my final patient of the evening was finished and was in the recovery room, I checked on my patients and then went to the break room for a much-needed bottle of water. I was exhausted but checked my cell and saw that Kate had texted me back.
KATE: I heard about the flooding and building collapses. So terrible. They’re lucky to have you there. Text me when you’re back at the hotel and we’ll have a quick goodnight Skype. Love you back. XOXOX
I smiled and checked my watch. It was nearing ten. There were no more emergency patients to deal with, so I could indeed go home. We were lucky Sam was willing to come back to help deal with the crisis.
Michael entered the break room just as I was messaging my driver to be outside to take me back to the hotel.
Michael came over to me, slapping me on the back. “How about we all go to your hotel and have a drink before heading home? I know it’s late, but I feel like we pulled off a miracle tonight, dealing with the crisis. We need a drink and I want to thank the staff who helped.”
I had planned on going right back to the hotel and to bed but felt I couldn’t turn Michael down.
“Of course,” I said and smiled. “A drink would be perfect way to end such a night.”
“Good. I’ve invited everyone to come, and I’ll buy the first round.”
I raised my eyebrows, wondering if that meant Sam as well, but didn’t want to ask directly.
“My limo is outside, waiting. We can go down together.”
“Good. I’ll grab my jacket and we can go. I’ve told the others where you’re staying, so they’ll meet us at your hotel.”
I nodded, pasting on that fake smile I mentioned earlier in our conversation. My only hope was that Sam was smart enough not to show up.
I was wrong to hope.
I went back to my own office to grab my jacket as well and met Michael at the elevator. Sam walked up while we were waiting.
“The Fairmont, is it?” She smiled. “I hear Michael is buying the first round.”
I smiled at her. “Yes. The Fairmont.”
In an awkward silence, we took the elevator to the main floor.
“See you there,” she said when we exited the elevator. Luckily, she took the hallway to the rear of the building where staff parking was located. Michael and I walked out front where my limo was parked, the driver standing at attention beside the rear passenger door.