Page 36 of Drake Eternal

I explained what happened and he assured me that he understood.

“I don’t believe she’s cheating on me, but I do think someone is maybe stalking her, watching her. They’re trying to make me think she’s unfaithful. I’m worried about her safety. She’s staying at her father’s beach house until Tuesday when she takes a flight to Nairobi. I’d like someone to watch over her until she leaves. But I don’t want her to know.”

“Totally understand. I have a PI I use now and then I can call in to check things out. Plus, I can put 24/7 coverage on her starting tomorrow morning. How does that sound?”

“You don’t have someone who can start tonight?”

He hesitated for a moment. “Everyone’s either on duty or on required rest. I’ll check and let you know if I can find someone, but it may not be until eight tomorrow morning.”

“Okay. Understood. Don’t use the red cup or red flower thing. Kate knows that signal. I don’t want her to think I don’t trust her. I do, but I don’t trust that someone’s not out to hurt me or her.”

“I completely understand,” Kyle said, his voice firm. “Don’t worry. This will be totally invisible coverage. I’ll put my best men on it. Count on it.”

I exhaled heavily. “Thanks, Kyle. I’ll tell her eventually, but I don’t want her to be too alarmed unless it’s necessary.”

“Got it. I’ll send you the info in a text. Name of my guy and a contact number for you. And I’ll text you if I can find someone for immediate coverage until we get someone for tomorrow.”

“Thanks. Tell whoever you can find that I’ll pay triple the usual night rate.”

“That will certainly sweeten the pot.”

We finished the details of the agreement and then said goodbye.

I tried hard to get my mind back into my work, but it wasn’t easy. I searched for Page One on my laptop and read over the latest edition. There it was — the image of Kate sitting with Carlton Page. He had her hand in his and was leaning close to her, his arm around her on the back of the sofa.

It looked so intimate…

I tried to see Kate’s face, but it was turned away from the camera, so it was impossible to know if she was happy or uncomfortable. Whoever took the photo did a great job focusing on Page, but not his ‘escort’ as Kate was called. It didn’t name her in the story that was attached to the article, which was a good thing at least.

How did someone know it was her?

Was someone at the venue and knew she was there? Was someone following her?

I was glad that there would be 24/7 security coverage on her starting in the morning until she left. I wished it could start that night, but I knew that Kyle was doing his best to provide protection. Hopefully, someone would bite at the chance to get a triple hourly pay rate and soon, there would be someone watching over Kate and Sophie for me.

I hated that I had to do it, but I was getting more worried by the moment that someone had it in for me and was sending me a message to that effect.

Was it someone from Lisa Monroe’s family? Were they still on the warpath and out to get me in revenge? I thought we’d seen and heard the last of the Monroe family when we moved back, but I had to keep every possibility on the table for when I spoke with the PI Kyle knew who could do some sleuthing for me.

I checked my texts and saw the one from Kate that I had found so desirable that morning.


The love of my life. My soulmate.

Someone was trying to make me doubt her, but I didn’t.

I was just worried for her safety. Sadly, I’d made a few enemies in my life and that was now coming home to haunt me.

I put my cell away and tried to get some work done, but it was hard to focus. My mind kept coming back to the image of Kate with Carlton Page. I went on rounds with my resident and checked out new patients, and that distracted me for a while, but once I was back in my office and alone, my mind was busy worrying again about Kate.

It was now nearly four in the afternoon. I checked my cell and there was a text from Kyle, that I’d missed while I was on rounds.

KYLE BURKE: Just to let you know I found someone happy to take up your offer of triple hourly pay. His name is Erik Reed and he’s a former Army Ranger. First rate man. He’s on his way to sit somewhere with a view of the beach house until I have a regular team activated. Cheers.

I exhaled in relief and sent him back a text in reply.

DRAKE MORGAN: Thanks a million, Kyle. This will help me sleep tonight. You’re the best.